Cognitive: [kog-ni-tiv] –adjective
1. of or pertaining to cognition.
2. of or pertaining to the mental processes of perception, memory, judgment, and reasoning, as contrasted with emotional and volitional processes.
1. inharmonious or harsh sound; discord; cacophony.
2. Music .
a. a simultaneous combination of tones conventionally accepted as being in a state of unrest and needing completion.
b. an unresolved, discordant chord or interval.
3. disagreement or incongruity.
Basically the phrase cognitive dissonance simply refers to a state where one has awareness of thoughts or facts that are in disagreement with presently held beliefs. For example, let's say that you have a friend who you have known all your life. Then one day someone relates a story about your friend that in your mind is inconceivable. Let's say that you know your friend as a mild mannered non drinker and the story portrays him in a drunken rage. Add to this the fact that you know the one relating the story as someone who would never tell lies. What you've heard about your friend goes against what you know as true; both about your friend and about the one relating the story. What you would experience over this occurrence would be called cognitive dissonance. You are faced with two options, neither of which you want. Either your friend was in a drunken rage or the other individual is telling a lie.
We see cognitive dissonance demonstrated in court cases where one member of a family has been charged with a serious crime. Other members of that family continue to claim the innocence of their relative even after overwhelming evidence to the contrary has been presented.
When examining our money system we first tend to not believe our actions contribute to other's experiencing poverty, unemployment, homelessness or worse. We have been taught that our work contributes to the economy therefore our effort is a benefit to others. We have also been taught that the poverty experienced by others is a result of circumstance or laziness, etc. It is definitely not related to our participation in our present economic system.
So when presented with the formula for debt, [P - (P + I) = D; Principle minus (Principle plus Interest) equals Debt] our first reaction is disbelief. Everything this formula states goes against everything we believe.
It is important that we look at the facts with an open mind. I urge you to examine the evidence presented in the posts of this blog. Try to prove them wrong if you can. If you can, please let me know. If you can't, please tell others. Problems can only be corrected once the truth is known. Our present economic system is a problem and it's correction is our government taking back control of our money and instituting some form of a Public Credit Money System. Please watch this video:
Learn as much as you can about the effects of cognitive dissonance and see if you can detect how advertisers, governments and bankers use cognitive dissonance against us.
We see cognitive dissonance demonstrated in court cases where one member of a family has been charged with a serious crime. Other members of that family continue to claim the innocence of their relative even after overwhelming evidence to the contrary has been presented.
When examining our money system we first tend to not believe our actions contribute to other's experiencing poverty, unemployment, homelessness or worse. We have been taught that our work contributes to the economy therefore our effort is a benefit to others. We have also been taught that the poverty experienced by others is a result of circumstance or laziness, etc. It is definitely not related to our participation in our present economic system.
So when presented with the formula for debt, [P - (P + I) = D; Principle minus (Principle plus Interest) equals Debt] our first reaction is disbelief. Everything this formula states goes against everything we believe.
It is important that we look at the facts with an open mind. I urge you to examine the evidence presented in the posts of this blog. Try to prove them wrong if you can. If you can, please let me know. If you can't, please tell others. Problems can only be corrected once the truth is known. Our present economic system is a problem and it's correction is our government taking back control of our money and instituting some form of a Public Credit Money System. Please watch this video:
Learn as much as you can about the effects of cognitive dissonance and see if you can detect how advertisers, governments and bankers use cognitive dissonance against us.
Comments to the author are welcomed.