Monday, December 20, 2010

All For One

On one hand it seems that we're so close to the the point where everyone understands that there's really only one major problem with our global society - the system of money that demands usury. This is not to say that there are no other problems. It's just to say, "correct this one and most of the others will disappear. The ones that will remain will be minor compared to what we face with usury.

But on the other hand our closeness to solution seems to be spawning a new problem. And that's that many now have their own solution. A brief look through the Internet is all that it takes to find thousands of links to alternative currencies. This is an indication that the problem is becoming known more now than ever before. Some of the alternative currency systems are designed only for a specific localized area and others are claimed to be the solution for the world. Many of the latter ones come with the disclaimer that once they are implemented there will be some tweaking of the system to refine some of the details.

The problem that seems to be developing is that groups of people are gathering rather strongly around these different proposals. Valuable time is being wasted debating the merits of one system over another. It seems cognitive dissonance is at work again; It seems that once the human mind becomes attached to something it refuses to let go even when confronted with evidence to the contrary.

If the money issue that confronts the world today was just a personal issue, the time it takes to arrive at an agreed upon solution would hold little importance. But this is not just a personal issue. What brought me into this issue is the connection I saw between the use of usury and the poverty, unemployment, homelessness and ultimately, the starvation death of thousands of children a day that are the results of that usury. I saw that debt must be the result if interest of any amount is charge on money. 

My background is based in hard work. I was swinging an axe in the forest with my father 58 years ago when I was ten years old and followed my father into the logging industry in Ontario and eventually British Columbia. I became a saw fitter in lumber mills and eventually had my own cabinet shop where I designed and built kitchen cabinets, furniture and even a few acoustic classical guitars. I spent my life working with wood and money seemed always easy. My "knowledge" about money was, "if you want more, work harder."

Then somewhere around 1999 someone said, "You know, debt is the guaranteed result of our use of a private bank's money." I never argued with that but just asked, "how can that be." Knowing just the little about math that came with my seven and a half grades of education I began to play with numbers. Eventually I arrived at the following:

P - (P + I) = D

I call this the formula for debt. It's nothing unique as it just represents what many have said for at least a few hundred years. But it does make one of the most important statements I have ever heard. It simply states that Principal minus (Principal plus Interest) equals Debt. What this simple formula tells us is that the debt we see rising all through the world equals the usury charged on all the money borrowed from all the private central banks throughout the world. I fail to see how anyone can use this formula and come to the conclusion that interest is a good thing. Try it yourself. If you have ever had a loan or mortgage place that number in the place for the Principal. Next insert the interest that was/is charged and see what happens.

[Note: Remember that interest on mortgages is compounded.]

Let me show you one example. Let's agree someone has a loan of $1,000 for one year and the interest is 5%. We see that 5% would equal $50. So when we place these numbers into this formula we get the following:

$1,000 - ($1,000 + $50) = D

There's a rule in math that requires us to calculate the numbers within parentheses first. Following that rule we arrive at:

$1,000 - $1,050 = D

Now the last step is simply subtraction and we get:

-$50 = D

We now see that the debt on this loan over one year will amount to fifty dollars. Exactly the amount of interest charge. Every dollar within the economy of every country throughout the world is a borrowed dollar. This formula then, shows us that the increase in the global debt each year will equal the amount of the usury charges on all those dollars, euros, yen, etc. Based on this formula I would bet that the amount of debt in the world at this time next year (December 20, 2011) will be greater than it is now. Any takers?

I've heard that interest is necessary because without it no one would invest and industry would cease. Well maybe it's time to realize that the only dollar that has any true value is the one we actually work for. Maybe the time of making money with money needs to end. But are we intelligent enough to see that. Or are we so lazy or greedy that we will covet the money earned by the sweat of another and stoop to usury to steal it. As I see it the only people who argue for usury are those who would wish to make money on the labor of another. Maybe its time to hand these people a shovel or an axe and let them build up a sweat by doing more than just going for a slow jog in the park.

I'm drifting slightly from the original intention of this article so I'll drift back now. This is an important issue. It is, in my view, the most important issue facing this world at this time. And until you can prove the above formula wrong, you haven't proven me wrong. My statement to the world is, "prove this formula for debt wrong and I'll stop writing about this issue. I have sent this formula with this challenge to two Canadian Prime Ministers as well as their finance ministers. I put this challenge to them in the form of a NOTICE and gave them thirty days to respond. I told them that their failure to respond in the allotted thirty days will be taken as their tacit agreement that what I say is correct. That was over two years ago and their only response has been silence.

Well I'm sort of drifting back to my original intent here. Okay, no more drifting. I'll get right to it. All of us who know of this problem would be better served uniting under one method rather than arguing over different systems. I'm not naive enough to believe that this will happen any time soon. I'm just saying that logically it would solve the issue so much sooner if we could. And because the lives of defenseless children are at stake I feel it's imperative for us to begin drifting toward one clear solution.

I'm not an economist but I can see that there is one clear and easily implemented solution available to us. It's the clearest and most easily implemented method I've seen, and I have looked for a number of years. But like any method you wont understand it without some effort. The positive results of work requires honest effort. In the same way, your understanding of this method will also take your honest effort. All those who are now suffering because of usury need your effort. They are depending on you effort. Dedicate two weeks - a month if necessary - to gaining this understanding. You will not regret it if you do.

The method I speak of is called Mathematically Perfected Economy by its founder Mike Montagne. My vote is for Mathematically Perfected Economy. I hope it becomes yours. You can learn of it by following this link:

You can listen to Mike Montagne explain Mathematically Perfected Economy by following this link:

Your understanding will not come immediately but when it does you will see that what Mike is proposing is to take the Interest out of the above formula so that it reads:

P - P = 0

No Interest equals no debt. Quite simple actually.

Under the private central bank economy reflected in the formula for debt a $100,000 home will, over time, cost $300,00 to $400,000 and would require payments of about $1,000 to $1,250 per month for at least twenty years.

Under mathematically perfected economy your payments for a $100,000 home would be $83.33 per month! I'll use Mike's words to end this article. What more incentive do you need.

"While 12,000 homes a day continue to go into foreclosure, mathematically perfected economy™ would re-finance a $100,000 home with a hundred-year lifespan at the overall rate of $1,000 per year or $83.33 per month. Without costing us anything, we would immediately become as much as 12 times as liquid on present revenue. Transitioning to MPE™ would apply all payments already made against existent debt toward principal. Many of us would be debt free. There would be no housing crisis, no credit crisis. Unlimited funding would immediately be available to sustain all the industry we are capable of."

"There is no other solution. Regulation can only temper an inherently terminal process."

"If you are not promoting mathematically perfected economy™, then you condemn us to monetary failure."


Comments to the author are welcomed.