Sunday, December 12, 2010

Parable of a Perfect Economy - By Mike Montagne - circa 1979

The entire content of this post was borrowed from:
Please visit this link to learn more about Mathematically Perfected EconomyTM


As the world of the capitalist untouchables crushes ours, it is vital to understand that it is not the collapse of a thousand Enrons which brought us down. It is the very adversity to understanding which has allowed the destruction of our commerce, for if the people of the world merely endeavored to understand true economy, no usurer could prevail for a moment; no political pretender could deploy their office to serve usury; and no media would be owned by the very usury system itself, that you may never understand usury.
It is the nature of their adverse system which your usurers would never have you understand. Your very understanding is their greatest fear, for they spend a great portion of their stealings from you to generate and to perpetuate a great, expensive facade that no problem exists.
Knowing even this, many say mathematically perfected economy™ 'will never be allowed.' No, mathematically perfected economy™ is inevitable, because usury can only fail; because usury only sows injustice; and because there is only one solution to usury. When soldiers return from foreign wars raised under guises so that even the victims of usurers will fight to establish yet another compliant central bank, and when those unwitting victims lose their own home to bankruptcy, they shall wish with all their constitution they had listened sooner and acted together to dissolve usury forever.
And when that day comes, under every rock you will find hiding usurers, advocates of usury, phony "economists"... all the seekers of unearned profit who knew not even how to limit their great crime against us.
Mike Montagne

Although the present story relates to a particular model, obviously there were diverse manifestations of colonial commerce spanning a substantial period. Assistance and vital supplies were volunteered by Native Americans; there were communes; and there were different styles of barter. Independent currencies were issued and regulated by various policies which might or might not have concurred with the principles of this story.
In the remoteness of the colonies nonetheless, a refined system was bound to emerge. It matters not however whether this story ever happened, that its characters lived, or what they thought or did, except for the sake of the principles.

Amongst the injustices leading to the American Revolution, Benjamin Franklin was sent to England in part to demand a relaxation of taxes.
While the colonists' prosperity fell under the recent injustices, they had already become prominent manufacturers and traders. They were skillful and innovative ship builders, and now the vessels they had built even enabled them to become equally skillful evaders of the many excessive duties levied upon them without the familiar requisite they were about to demand — representation. Presently they rose perhaps as no colony had before, to demand a return toward justice.
Franklin was a renown author, publisher, scientist, philosopher and statesman; and there was tremendous anticipation of his arrival in the mother country.
The subjects of each environment grew in opposite directions. The colonists expected independence; their English cousins and their ruling class expected subjugation.
In England, the little news from the colonies was passed largely by disreputable sailors in equally disreputable places. Little was believed of these tales; and so, it was largely assumed that Franklin's reputation was exaggerated. It was anticipated that his visit would prove him relatively uncultured — a woodsman hardly fit to duly represent his peers amongst English dignitaries.
The encounter however would soon prove him far ahead of their time. His answers to their questions would change the world.
Upon his arrival, Franklin was swept to a prominent engagement. There before the ruling class of England, the guest of honor was soon compelled to make a speech. Amidst considerable ado, Franklin walked slowly to the podium, adjusted the curious spectacles the woodsman had invented, and surveyed his audience attentively.
Thinking undecidedly what to speak about, instead he thought it better to ask them, "What's your pleasure?"
They of course beseeched him to tell about the colonies.
He knew well of their affairs, and particularly that even prominent lawyers spent a good part of the year behind on their rent; that they often went hungry; that few non-aristocrats owned property; that many suffered from poor diet; that common citizens spent their lives hoping to pay imposing debt.
The British people were largely ever hopeful of meaningful employment, and in constant, dire need.
He was naturally inclined therefore to convey the relative state of the colonies; and so he began his answer with what in retrospect is readily understood to be a remarkable report. He began saying, "You can leave your ship with just your baggage, walk beyond the furthest homestead, and become an immediate landowner."
Such disbelief arose upon his first sentence, that Franklin was forced to stop. England's upper class loudly refused to believe him.
Franklin nonetheless simply waited for quiet; and when he could, he continued without responding otherwise to the interruption.
He thus spoke slowly, and perhaps even somewhat defiantly, saying, "Furthermore, the forests are vast; and you can cut down all the trees you can imagine, and build whatever kind of home you please. The soil is rich and fertile; and you can clear all the land you want, and plant practically any crop you desire, and it will grow with vitality. Unspoiled streams are everywhere. The water is pure and good, and may be diverted to irrigate your fields. The wilderness is so rich in game that there is no possible shortage of meat. The people are happy and busy, and prosperous."
No sooner did he finish his brief continued answer, than outright disclaim once again erupted.
A particularly angry man stood to take charge, shouting above the rest, "How can you possibly account for prosperity in the colonies?"
The audience so celebrated this denunciation that again for some while it was impossible to speak. Franklin patiently blinked back at them, disbelieving himself they could prescribe such unreasonable limits to the truth. When they finally quieted, he told them exactly how he could account for prosperity in the colonies.
"It's quite simple," he said. "We have created our own currency."
Again, a great uproar erupted.
Who were the colonists to create their own currency? How could a currency possibly account for prosperity?
The former is no longer understood to be a right and responsibility; and the latter is doubted in this very style, even today.
Franklin explained that "If for instance a first man raises fowl, and a second raises feed, and the first intends in the next season to double his production, he may approach the second, wanting him to produce the additional feed required. They agree how much of the production of each will be traded to the other, and their eventual contracts are evidence of their promises to deliver to each other."
"Their notes may then be circulated as currency."
"The cultivator of the feed for instance may write a note against the fowl to be delivered to him, to pay for a doctor to take care of his family. The doctor may pay for goods with the same note at the local store. The store then will ultimately collect the fowl originally promised to the cultivator. When the production is delivered, the respective notes are fulfilled, and the money passes from circulation."
"Without even a need for administration, the circulation is perpetually regulated according to need. There is no inflation or deflation because the circulation always arises and passes with the life and consumption of the production."
"Neither therefore do we suffer multiplication of debt by interest. In fact, the very ability of the people to issue their promises to pay itself makes it possible to sustain whatever prosperity we are capable of."
So far had his English cousins deviated from this natural pattern, that the rectitude of a populace issuing a just currency was even an affront to them.
The very quests of his audience for unearned profit too deprived the general population not only of their production, but of the very opportunity to produce. In fact, this very audience enjoyed undeserved advantages which they presumed would disappear if the people were allowed to prosper in rectitude.
The transparent facts of their existence could prove no match for the arguments of demonstrable solution. They even intended to remain a cause of the very problems the colonists' solution addressed.
Lacking any basis whatever for refutation, and wanting yet to denounce Franklin, they were at first relieved when finally the same angry man shouted above the murmuring everywhere.
"That's preposterous!" he yelled, "How could you levy taxes or fund government with this mere scrip?"
Laughter and sarcasm erupted. Franklin was now openly ridiculed.

Franklin simply waited again to explain.
"That's quite simple as well," he said finally.
He stood, letting the next while pass that they could ruminate their repeated mistake of presuming he might not answer capably.
"Suppose we have a township on one side of a river which is unnavigable and unfordable, and an opposing township on the other."
"One of these townships might build a lumber mill. The other builds a grist mill. Foreseeing the eventual need to support activity above initial demands, each builds their mill to greater capacities than first required."
"As each township needs the services of the other township's mills, eventually it is proposed to build a bridge across the river."
"A group of men then agree to build the bridge to agreed standards; and when we agree on a fee to pay them for this service, likewise we simply create the necessary notes, and pay them."
"As the increased commerce requires the increased circulation to sustain it, there is no inflation; and therefore we have provided in all ways to sustain the desired commerce."
"To fund the proper services of government — such as the creation of this bridge — we have no need to levy taxes or to subject our people to eternal multiplication of debt. We have provided the real service of government without cost."
Blood would be shed for his excellent explanation.

Franklin's heckler was an officer of the Bank of England seated with several officers of Parliament.
Common sense tells the rest of the story.
The very following day, the Bank "of" England's Parliament passed a resolution outlawing "colonial scrip" as currency.
In a mere guise of propriety, the future Americans were required to turn in their vital scrip for bonds issued by the Bank "of" England. Although they were to be paid some menial interest for the bonds however, the bonds too were outlawed as circulation.
"Lawful" trade was impossible.
To no surprise then, the provision allowed the colonists to turn in the bonds for notes issued by the Bank "of" England. These notes alone could they use as currency; and to their further disadvantage, they were required to pay some thirty-percent annual interest for the usurped circulation.
Thus for explaining the wisdom of true economy, Franklin was forced to take the news of perpetual multiplication of debt back to his people.

As we know today, the colonists rejected this crime against them and prevailed in the ensuing military conflict.
The House of Rothschild, under the guise of a Bank "of" England, would pay for Hessian mercenaries to subdue the colonists. Washington's famous crossing of the Delaware would thus defeat Hessians encamped at Trenton, hired to enforce a plutocracy. Yet even the real nature of the conflict would disappear from history.
These crimes against the colonists would fail at great cost of life.
But the banks which had been established here would succeed. With interest perpetually multiplying debt upon the new land, political subversion would readily be purchased with illimitable unearned profit.
Attempts to eternalize usury would fail under the illuminated leaders of the young nation, but would finally succeed in 1913 under corruption and ineptitude which prevails to this day; and in the style of all banks which are named what they are not, the eventual private central bank "of" America would be called "The Federal Reserve," even as it is neither federal, nor a reserve of anything.
But these are later chapters of our story, and we are only at its beginning.
The governments of Europe of course were threatened by the infectious ideas and courage of the revolution. Few Europeans therefore dared openly support the colonial efforts. Mere contact put lives in danger. Friendships, however deep, were at least temporarily cut off.
In restoring one such relationship after the war, Franklin explained the real cause of the American Revolution in a conciliatory letter to a friend in France:
"We would have gladly borne the little tax on tea and other matters, had it not been that they took from us our money, which created great unemployment and dissatisfaction. Within a year, the poor houses were filled. The hungry and homeless walked the streets everywhere."

Franklin's explanation of what I have called taxation by inflation suffers an important imperfection. It engenders inflation, because no means withdraws the currency that finances the bridge whenever and if ever the respective commerce subsides. To eliminate this imperfection over its lifespan, the bridge must be paid for at the rate of depreciation or consumption of the bridge. Whatever further circulation sustains the commerce made possible by the bridge is borrowed and paid likewise.
With that sufficiently significant correction, this then is a parable of mathematically perfected economy™.

Mike Montagne