Monday, December 13, 2010

Brain Ruts

This post is not about the economy, dollars, banks, money or any external thing. It's an attempt to understand something we all have;  something that seems to control us as much as we control it and something that seems to define us as a person. It's about our individual mind. Its about a world of individual minds; their development and how they seems to manifest individually, in groups and as the total group found on this world at any one time. Keep in mind that this view of mind(s) presented here is the view obtained from my mind. I understand that readers' individual views may range from similar to completely different and that will be part of the investigation here. What determines the individual shape of all the individual minds that make up the human population of this individual world?  

One paragraph and already I'm feeling completely inadequate in the role of author of this article. But that's part of the challenges of working with my individual mind and an example of its influence.

To start, I'll state that in my view the brain and the mind are not the same thing. The brain appears to be just a tool, marvelous as it may be, for the mind to use. Connected to the body as it is, the brain seems to be the communication link between the world and the mind. The body's senses bring information to the brain which makes the information accessible to the mind. Here is where the differences between minds becomes apparent; in the individual reactions or responses of each individual to the perceived world. Where one individual may gladly jump off a bridge with a bungee cord tied to their ankles, another would fight to the death to avoid the experience. Where one individual speaks up when a bully threatens somebody, another rushes off and pretends that the event was unseen.

It's this latter instance (the bully) that's caused me to ask question about the differences between minds. As I see it there is a big bully threatening the world and a few are speaking up but the majority are choosing not to see it. And as I see it, the evidence is overwhelming. Simple math proves it; [P - (P + I) = D - my formula for debt]. The only way this can be denied is if you never learned fifth grade math in school.

So I want to know why someone would choose not to see the truth. Is it fear? Is it apathy? Is it greed? Or the worst thought is that the people of the world just have no compassion for others.

This morning I watched wikileaks-the-movie,, and saw soldiers in a helicopter shooting innocent civilians in a van. When the soldiers were informed that there were children in the van their response was, "Serves them right for bringing children to a battlefield." This "battlefield" was the neighbourhood the people lived in. I want to know what it is that allows someone to blow innocent human bodies apart with hollow point ammunition designed to pierce tanks and when he finds out what he's done, simply states, It serves them right...."

As horrendous as this may be, there is another war going on; one in which millions of children have already perished. And maybe the same forces that enabled the soldier's response is responsible for the apathetic response of the world to the starvation death of tens of thousands of children a day. Instead of seeing the real cause (our own finger on the trigger) (our using a private banks money) we point to others (corporations, banks, or the starving people themselves) or simply say, "Serves them right."

What will it take to have the people of the world look at their own hands to find the cause of so much suffering experience by so many. What part of the mind enables us to band together in mutual innocence and reinforce that innocence by pointing fingers of blame at the "enemy".

I have hear that when we are born our minds are like a large flat field; a vast undisturbed prairie. Upon this prairie the experiences and the responses to those experiences are stamped. A thought we might have leads to an action that leaves a shallow mark on this even plain and as we repeat that thought the mark deepens. Eventually ruts are formed and reactions become automatic. It's like placing a car in deep ruts on a farmers field. Start the car, put it in gear and it will follow the ruts unerringly. No conscious thought is necessary.

This process has served humanity well and still does. But there is a dark side to this. The problem in this mechanism is the difficulty in altering the results of out thinking once they've been fired in a kiln. We've all heard of destructive thinking or addictive thinking were an individual's actions persist even when they realize the insanity of the actions and the suffering that these action will ultimately bring to themselves. Success is only realized after the individual has consciously and deliberately chosen different action and repeated them often enough that new ruts are formed. Eventually with deliberate persistence the old ruts begin to fill in and the new ruts become the dominate ones. Again the individual reaches a state where no conscious thought is required to achieve the new desired results.

What will it take to have the world realize that they are being bullied. The bullying is a lot like the bully in the school yard who steals the lunch money of a weaker student. It's a lot like that except where the weaker student knows of the bullying, you don't. You may sense some thing's not right with paying hundreds of dollars for rent or a mortgage payment but you probably wont consider the fact that someone is actually stealing that money from you. And if I told you that instead of paying the bully hundreds of dollars a month in rent or mortgage payments you could buy you own $100,000 home for $83.33 a month you'd consider me at least slightly insane. The ruts in your brain would just not let you go down that road. But I encourage you to at least check this possibility out before you dismiss it completely. You can start that process by listening to the following:

Let's prove Max Plank wrong at least once. Let's not leave it some furure generation to implement what their forebearers should have had the courage look at and the wisdom to enact.

"A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it."      Max Planck 


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