Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Economic Viability

Part One     - The Problem, and
Part Two     - How We Cause Debt
Part Three  - The Solution


They say a picture is worth a thousand words. My hope is that the one below is worth a complete encyclopedia. This picture is not the way most would consider starting an article on Economic Viability. But once one realizes how the economies of the world operate, one quickly sees that the situation expressed in this photo is the best - the absolute best - humanity can hope for; its slow and agonizing consumption by vultures. Sadly, this picture expresses another reality; humanity's ignorance of the imminent danger lurking behind it.

It was a picture similar to this that made me stop and ask how and why this could happen. My search for answers lead me to conclude that all of us had a hand in this child's gruesome suffering and probable demise. I have been talking about that ever since. I feel it's time to revisit this conclusion; not to change it but to have it reconfirmed. You see, if this child didn't die on this day in 1994, ten thousand did. And since that day an average of fifteen thousand (15,000) children a day have starved to death. That's five million, four hundred seventy five thousand (5,475,000) a year! And during the sixteen years since this picture was taken eighty seven million, six hundred thousand (87,600,000) children have suffered the very cruel and lengthy death of starvation. That's just under two and a half times the total population of Canada! And today, January 11, 2011, over thirty thousand (30,000) will join them. And still, the world doesn't know why this happens.

And the world really doesn't want to learn why. What it wants is someone or something out there to blame. It's the famine, it's civil war, it's corporate greed, it's global warming, it's government corruption, it's the bankers, etc. The last one on this list (bankers) may be the closest to the truth but it's not the whole truth.  The truth is it's our use of a private bank's "money" that's the partner in their insidious scheme. Whatever the banker's ultimate goal is, it cannot be realized without our participation.

Years ago most of us could have claimed ignorance of the inevitable result of borrowing "money" at interest, but not today. Humanity has been cautioned against this practice (usury) for thousands of years; virtually every religious text speaks against this practise. Yet virtually every religious person has entered one contract or another agreeing to participate in an economy that demands usury. Louis Even's The Money Myth Exploded, http://www.michaeljournal.org/myth.htm, at least as far back as 1932 pointed to the problem of paying interest on "money" printed against a barrel of rocks (thin air). Today many sites on the inter net point to the problems that stem from usury and a few even mention "solution".

But of all these there is only one that can model the present system's inevitable collapse as well a as model solution and that's Mike Montagne's Mathematically Perfected Economy. Mike has put out an 18 part video in which he presents these models. To see the models that show the inevitable collapse of our present economic system start at the 5:00 minute mark of Part 02A reached by the following the first link below and then continue with the full 9:05 minutes of Part 02B. By watching these two a few times you will see that inevitable economic failure is awaiting humanity.

Part 02A, 9:20 minutes: 

Part 02B, 9:05 minutes: 

The following link models the effects of moderate rates of interest.

Part 03, 2:21minutes:  

The following link models how high interest rates escalate failure.

Part 04, 0:56 minutes:

Why interest rates are necessarily reduced in the later stages are modeled in the following two links.

Part 05A, 7:00 minutes:

Part 05B, 4:48 minutes:

The information gained from these six links should bring you to a position of knowledge concerning our present economic system. Economic viability does not exist anywhere within this system. It never did, doesn't now and never will. Study the information presented on these links and you should have no problem in seeing humanity's place in the above picture. We have been lead to believe that with enough effort we can reach the sanctuary represented in this photo by the United Nation food camp just a kilometer away. But, as is the case with the child in this picture, the energy to accomplish that no longer exists. In the case of our economy, at no time did it ever exist.

So where are you in the above picture? If you're reading this you're not one of the millions represented by the child. At thirty thousand a day it will take only another thirty-four days for the next one million children to starve to death. And that's just the children. All of these children are starving today and they will starve until they die.

But where are you. Are you well enough financially so that you don't have to worry about how the rent or mortgage will be paid next month? Or is it becoming harder to fulfill that obligation. Do you sense the vulture closing in behind you? And if not you, then how about your friends and neighbours. It's impossible today not to see the effects of our present debt producing economy. Debt is the final and only result of borrowing "money" from a private bank; a bank that merely prints our promises to pay; a bank that has no money; a bank that has already taken your neighbours two hundred thousand dollar home in exchange for $29.99 worth of paper and ink.

It is imperative that you listen to the information on the above links. If you don't you wont understand what's happening when they come for your home or your landlord is finally saying, "Please move out."

The collapse is inevitable. That means that no matter how secure you feel today, that security will vanish almost over night. No one will be unscathed. And we've seen the wheel barrow full of money it take to by a few groceries once hyper inflation hits. Don't be too sure it can't happen to you.

Part Two - How We Cause Debt

Kevin Carter
Photo by Kevin Carter

It may be hard for all who strive to improve their economic position to see how that activity contributes to conditions that lead to the stark contrast in the above photo. But contribute they do.

Recently I told a friend that I don't like my life. I saw my life being so much better if we all had the ability to create an abundant life for ourselves. My life has become uncomfortable because of the experiences that came as I looked for the cause(s) that created the effects reflected in the above pictures.

I have become saddened at what I found. It seems that most prefer to turn a blind eye to the problem and exercise a great sense of denial that anything they are doing could possibly be causing any discomfort to others. Or they throw up their hands and claim the problems too big and besides, nothing they can do would have any effect. Others say they'll only focus on the positive - seeing only the good and ignoring the rest. These people always have a smile on their face.

To them I plead, "Take your blinders off."

How many remember the song "Man in Black"? Not to compare myself with Johnny Cash but he saw problems that others seemed to ignore. He saw too that ignoring them does not make them go away. Here's the lyrics in case you've forgotten or never heard them.

"Man In Black"
Well, you wonder why I always dress in black,
Why you never see bright colors on my back,
And why does my appearance seem to have a somber tone.
Well, there's a reason for the things that I have on.

I wear the black for the poor and the beaten down,
Livin' in the hopeless, hungry side of town,
I wear it for the prisoner who has long paid for his crime,
But is there because he's a victim of the times.

I wear the black for those who never read,
Or listened to the words that Jesus said,
About the road to happiness through love and charity,
Why, you'd think He's talking straight to you and me.

Well, we're doin' mighty fine, I do suppose,
In our streak of lightnin' cars and fancy clothes,
But just so we're reminded of the ones who are held back,
Up front there ought 'a be a Man In Black.

I wear it for the sick and lonely old,
For the reckless ones whose bad trip left them cold,
I wear the black in mournin' for the lives that could have been,
Each week we lose a hundred fine young men.

And, I wear it for the thousands who have died,
Believen' that the Lord was on their side,
I wear it for another hundred thousand who have died,
Believen' that we all were on their side.

Well, there's things that never will be right I know,
And things need changin' everywhere you go,
But 'til we start to make a move to make a few things right,
You'll never see me wear a suit of white.

Ah, I'd love to wear a rainbow every day,
And tell the world that everything's OK,
But I'll try to carry off a little darkness on my back,
'Till things are brighter, I'm the Man In Black.

I tell you that as we strive to fill our bank accounts or even just to pay the rent, we are the creators of the debt that causes the poverty suffered by others. You can say that there is no choice, the rent must get paid and to that I would agree. But we need to see the cause of starvation before it can ever be eliminated. To see the cause we must look at the suffering.

By the 1960s in North America we started noticing problems within the environment. These problems were traced back to our use of DDT. Even then it took until 1990 until they were completely banned in Canada. Today the problems that were caused by our use of DDT are receding. The eagles are no longer on the endangered list and the amount of DDT residue in our food has greatly diminished.

But to correct that particular problem we needed to actually examine it. We couldn't just say I'm just going to look at the good that's in the world. Having looked at the problem we could then follow the evidence back to the cause. And the cause was us.

 And once again the enemy is us. By looking at Mike Montagne's models in the links above you will see that the use of a private banks money results in debt. The use of DDT resulted in egg shells that broke as eagles sat on them and the enemy was us because we put the DDT into the environment. The use of a private banks money causes debt because we put those notes into circulation at interest. The DDT didn't get into the environment on it's own and a private banks debt causing notes don't get into circulation on their own. In both cases, "We have met the enemy and he is us."

Economic viability within our present financial system is at best an illusion and at worse, a tragedy.


Next Week - Part Three - The Solution 
 The solution may be to take back control of our money but there is one major process that must happen first. We must learn and really understand the need to do so. Until the problem is clearly seen, the solution,the solution will never be implemented.

For this the media offers no help. We will never hear or see the cause of debt clearly outlined on CBC, or any of the national news media for that matter. Like all the major media in the States the owners of all media in Canada benefit from the current system of "Money creation". Nor will any member of our Government honestly inform the public that the debt that's slowly burying them is caused by the interest charged on a private banks money.

We wont get into the debate of whether or not the Bank of Canada is publicly owned or is private. That topic, as well as how the Bank of Canada operates as a private bank, has been covered in these posts.


At least two members of our Federal Government must be aware of how our national debt is caused; our Prime Minister and our Finance Minister; but they don't and wont tell you.

Once again, we bring your attention to our formula for debt. This formula illustrates the guaranteed end result of just one loan. But as all money circulating within our economy has been borrowed and is thus part of a specific loan, this formula, by extension, can be applied to all of it. An explanation and illustration of the proof of this formula can be found in these posts.


If no help is forthcoming from Governments, corporations or the media it becomes necessary for individuals to do their own due diligence in finding the cause of debt. We're not asking that you believe our claim that interest guarantees an un-payable debt. What we're asking is that you take the time and attempt to prove the formula for debt wrong. Your falure to prove it wrong should indicate to you that what it shows is true. And that is, for every dollar circulating within our economy there will result a debt equal to the interest charged on that dollar. Simple math shows that the more money we borrow, the higher the debt will be.

Having learned the truth about interest charged on money and seeing that the problem can only worsen if we continue on this insidious path of borrowing money from any bank at interest you must act. At first that action only needs to be sharing that knowledge with others. And that may only entail directing them to this Blog. Ask people if they can prove this formula wrong. As more and more people become aware of the truth their voices will join in a call for control of their money. Eventually that call will become so loud that it cannot be ignored. No matter what party you belong to, or if you belong to no party at all, our call should be united. The government simply must take back control of our money. One thing is assured if no voice rised with this call. Things will remain the same and the debt that will enslave our children will grow to enormous bounds.

So this simple solution involves two steps. First, you must learn. Second, you must speak.

The prosparity of future generations depends on this. Without your voice they are enslaved.

There is only one road to economic viability. We retrieve our right to issue our own pronise to pay.


Comments to the author are welcomed. david.ealing@gmail.com