"The modern banking system manufactures money out of nothing. The process is perhaps the most astounding piece of sleight of hand that was ever invented. Banking was conceived in iniquity and born in sin. Bankers own the earth. Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create money and control credit, and with the flick of a pen, they will create enough money to buy it back again. Take this great power away from the bankers and all the great fortunes like mine will disappear, and they ought to disappear, for this would be a better and happier world to live in. But if you want to continue the slaves of bankers and pay the cost of your own slavery, let them continue to create money and to control credit."
Sir Josiah Stamp: Director and President of the Bank of England during the 1920's and reputed to be the second richest man in England.
David: Ealing
Copyright as amended October, 2008
By: David: Ealing
This work is dedicated to my daughter, her four wonderful children, and the future generations of us all and to the thirty thousand plus (30,000+) children, who today, in this world of abundance, starved to death.
In 1967 The Naked Ape written by Desmond Morris was published. Its title was in reference to the human population of the world. If we can be referred to as a Naked Ape then, in relationship to our money, we are also an Oblivious Ape, for as President John Adams stated, we are truly ignorant of the nature of coin, credit and circulation.
All the perplexities confusion and distress in America arise, not from defects in the Constitution or confederation, not from want of honour or virtue, so much as from downright ignorance of the nature of coin, credit and circulation.
President John Adams
The title, The Oblivious Ape attempts to draw attention to this fact with the hope that the human population of this world will,
1. Accept that as true.
2. Correct their ignorance with education.
3. And act to remedy the problem.
For until we see this as a fact in need of correction both poverty and debt will abound. Under our present Private Debt Money System that inheritance is guaranteed. This work is a portion of my effort at education and correction.
Please join the effort of many in this great struggle. To borrow the words of Leo F. Buscaglia, “Our goal is worth the struggle, for in this case the star to which we aspire is full humanity for all.”
Thank you.
David Ealing
An open letter to all those who care
May 4, 2005
There are many human beings in the world today that just want to shake off all government and corporate bureaucracy and deception like a dog shakes off water after a swim. Unfortunately, it is not quite that easy, but it can be done. This opening letter’s purpose is to outline three of the major deceptions that are being kept secret from the populations of most (if not all) democratic countries of the world. These deceptions are placed here to catch your attention, and second, to arouse your interest to read the rest of this book and find out the vast scope of all the deceptions that effect your life without your knowledge. It is the hope of the author of this book that it will get copied and sent to many people around the world. The author’s only request is that it be copied in total.
The information in this letter will be kept as concise as possible. We will however start with a story taken from that illustrates how the cause of our present situation got shifted into overdrive.
This is a short and simple story. It could be called a fable except that it is founded on fact. It is true in its portrayal of how our present money system evolved.
Many years ago, a certain rich man wanted to go abroad for a two-year vacation. He owned, in cash, ten thousand shekels of gold. He could not take the gold with him because of its weight and the danger of being robbed; so he went to a goldsmith to ask if he could leave his gold with him for safekeeping. The goldsmith, who had a large secure storage facility similar to a vault, wanted to be paid to keep the rich man’s gold. He asked for 10% or 1000 shekels to which the rich man agreed. The rich man “deposited” his gold with the goldsmith, obtained a “receipt” for it and then left on his trip abroad.
As soon as the rich man had left his gold and departed, the goldsmith told his helper to go and spread the word that his master had a few shekels of gold to loan to financially secure customers at 15% interest. Soon the borrowers came. One wanted 50 shekels; another wanted 100 shekels and so on. To the goldsmith’s surprise, most borrowers did not take delivery of the gold. Instead, all they wanted was the goldsmith’s receipt saying, “I owe you X number of gold shekels” which could be used to claim the gold when they wanted it. In modern terms, they had what we call a demand deposit.
As the days proceeded, the goldsmith had loaned out all of his 1000 shekels, which were drawing 15% interest. Yet, nearly all of the shekels were still in the vault. The only people who took their gold were a few of the small borrowers, the others only wanted receipts (IOU’s) showing the goldsmith held their gold and that they could have it whenever they needed it.
As time went on, the goldsmith found that the people were accepting his receipts in payment of goods and services rather than using the gold. When the occasional person did claim his gold and used it in payment of goods etc., the one who received the gold brought it back to the goldsmith for safekeeping and accepted an IOU.
This gave the goldsmith a “terrific” idea.
The goldsmith’s “terrific idea” of 300 years or so ago has grown into the international bankers’ “one world order” of today.
[With the mortgage crisis now in high gear in the USA we are starting to hear bank officials and their spokespeople speak of all countries working together to “solve” the problem. Their “solution will lead all countries to accept a unified currency.]
This letter will not be concerned with all the history between the goldsmith of years ago and today. It is enough to know that almost from that day to this the private moneylenders (banks) have implemented a plan that has made them the fiscal agents of virtually every country in the world. This plan was The Private Debt Money System. Under that system it is virtually possible for a country to pay off its debt. The debt will forever increase. If it does decrease a little at times it is just that it has been transferred to another poorer country. Once debt has been created it never goes away.
The following three points may be difficult and even impossible to believe at first. Our understanding of the present world situation will never be complete until we come to know them as true. The following statements are spoken about the countries of United States and Canada, but they can be taken as true for most countries in the world today.
First, The Private Debt Money System with its guaranteed ever-increasing debt eventually forced both the USA and Canada into bankruptcy. USA was forced into bankruptcy in 1933 and Canada the same year or soon after.
Second, your federal income taxes do not go toward financing the operation of your country. United States citizens pay their taxes to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Most Americans believe that the IRS is an agency of the federal government. It is not. It is an agency of the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Canadian citizens pay their taxes to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). Most Canadians believe that the CRA is an agency of the federal government. It is not. It too is an agency of the IMF. All income taxes paid by all Americans and all Canadians eventually end up deposited with the IMF. The fact that our taxes end up with the IMF should validate for us that the first point above is true. When a corporation goes bankrupt the bank will step in and appoint a receiver to act on its behalf. All finances generated by the corporation are sent directly to the bank because the bank is now providing all the operating capital of the corporation.
If our taxes don’t finance the operation of the federal government then what does? Or a better question is how does the IMF provide the operating funds to the Corporations of UNITED STATES and CANADA?
This brings us to the third point. They do it via your birth certificate! Most of us have assumed that our birth certificate is just that – a certificate recording the information of our birth and nothing more. The following is taken from Robert Arthur Menard’s book, Bursting Bubbles of Government Deception, and lets us know just what our birth certificate represents to the government and the IMF.
And view his excellent videos at:,,, an excellent video on the security of the person. It’s not what you think.
BIRTH CERTIFICATE. A formal document which certifies as to the date and place of one’s birth and a recitation of his or her parentage, as issued by an official in charge of such records. Furnishing of such is often required to prove one’s age. Black’s 6th.
Note: A Birth Certificate is a negotiable instrument, a registered security, a stock certificate evidencing, or representing, the preferred stock of the corporation and against which you are the surety; it is a pedigree chattel document establishing the existence of our straw man, a distinct artificial person with a fictitious name; it is a document of title to a straw man; it is a warehouse receipt for your body; delivery receipt; industrial bond between you (flesh-and-blood man or woman) and the industrial society and corporate US Government (artificial person).
In Canada, the original birth certificate is generally created at the PROVINCIAL level (in rare instances city level) via birth documents from the hospital (for which the hospital receives $$$ from the PROVINCE for causing the registration of the birth) and passed to the Provincial and Federal levels, and likely elsewhere. Per the definition of “birth” below, the document references both the newborn and the straw man. Certified copies of the birth certificate may be obtained at the Vital Statistics Office. Your birth certificate is one of the kinds of security instrument used by the Government to obtain loans from its creditor, under which it is bankrupt.
BIRTH. The act of being born or wholly brought into separate existence. Black’s 1st.
Note: A man or a woman is “born”, straw men are “wholly brought into separate existence.” Each event qualifies as a “birth”. The birth certificate documents a muddied mixture of the two events that allows the system to both claim that it is “your” birth certificate yet also claim to hold title to (not ownership of) the corporately coloured straw man.
From Mary Elizabeth: Croft in her book, HOW I CLOBBERED EVERY BUREAUCRATIC CASH-CONFISCATORY AGENCY KNOWN TO MAN, we get the following:
Read her book at:
Registration vs. Recording
“Registration” comes from Latin “Rex, Regis” etc. meaning regal. So think about what occurs to whatever you ‘register’ – you hand legal title over to the Crown. When you register anything with the public, it releases legal title to the government corporation and leaves you with only equitable title – the right to use, not own, and for that use you will pay a ‘use’ tax, be it income, sin, sales, property, etc. as opposed to lawful taxes, excise and impost. So that it doesn’t appear that the government now owns the property which you have registered they put it in a name which so much resembles your own that you won’t suspect it, however, the NAME is owned by the government. If you choose rather to record your legal title to your property with the public, you maintain your status as Title Owner. This is one of the most important things you can ever learn for the sake of your commercial affairs.
The best example of the effects of registration is the birth certificate. A bankrupt entity – city, state/province, and country – cannot operate in commerce. So how do they manage? Since USA/CA have been bankrupt for decades, having no substance such as gold and silver to back it, the only asset it has is men and woman and our labour. We are the collateral for the interest on the loan of the World Bank. Each of us is registered, via the application for a birth certificate. The treasury issues a bond on the birth certificate and the bond is sold at a securities exchange and bought by the FRB/BoC, (Federal Reserve Bank/Bank of Canada) which then uses it as collateral to issue bank notes. The bond is held in trust for the Feds at the Depository Trust Corporation. We are the sureties on said bonds. Our labour/energy is then payable at some future date. Hence we become the ‘transmitting utility’ for the transmission of energy.
The birth certificate created a FICTION (the name of the baby in upper case letters). The state/province sells the birth certificate to the Commerce Department of the corporations of USA/CA, which in turn places a bond on the birth certificate thereby making it a negotiable instrument, and placing the fiction, called a STRAWMAN, into the warehouse of the corporation of USA/CA. Representation for the created fiction was given to the BAR (British Accredited Registry/Regency), owned and operated by the Crown, for the purpose of contracting the fiction (which most of us think is ourselves) into a third party action. Do not underestimate the power behind this trick. It is to con us into contracting with the Feds so that they can ‘legally’ confiscate our property. All these contracts have only our signature on them because corporate fictions cannot contract (only natural beings have the right to contract – and the right not to contract). Because there is no full disclosure – we are never told that we have just signed away what we believe to be our property – these contracts are fraudulent, and hence, we are still the lawful owner and the profit earned by the Feds from stealing securities (our property) belongs to us and must go into a fund for our benefit, otherwise it would be fraud. Not wanting to be charged with fraud, the Feds had to create a remedy for us - and hope we wouldn’t discover it.
If you examine your birth certificate you will find a number in red ink that begins with a letter. On the small plastic card the number will appear on the back of the card. On the larger Birth Certificate printed on bank note paper the red number may be on the front. In the USA this bank note paper comes from the American Bank Note Company, in Canada it comes from the CANADIAN BANK NOTE COMPANY LIMITED. This information can be found along the lower left-hand edge of the note. If you are holding one of these you are holding a certified copy of a bank note in your name that has a value of well over $1,000,000 (one million dollars). The number in red ink is a bond number or a bond tracking number. This bond is legally and lawfully yours. This is the most important fact the IMF and “your Government” does not want you to know.
Even though the country was bankrupt the banks could not take away your rights and freedoms, so they forced the government to create an artificial CORPORATION (STRAWMAN) in your name. Then they had you sign fraudulent contracts to accept the privileges and benefits attached to this artificial CORPORATION. You only signed these contracts for SSN/SIN numbers, registrations and other licenses because you were led to believe this artificial CORPORATION was you and that you were obliged to sign. They did not tell you that by signing these contracts you were signing away your lawful rights and freedoms and giving the government total control of your life, property and labour.
Today, the one simple fact that the IMF does not want you to find out is that all these contracts are fraudulent and that because of that fact you have always had and still, to this very moment, retain all your lawful rights and freedoms. We have been deceived into being bound by rules, statutes and “laws” that simply do not apply to human beings. They apply only to corporations. If this wasn’t such a sad story it would be laughable watching the antics our politicians go through as they pompously argue and debate in the House of Commons, or extol the welfare of the economy during their campaigning before an election.
All citizens of Canada can know that the federal political parties know the contents of this book as it was sent (minus this letter) to each party leader by this author. Each leader was asked to copy it to all their party members who sit in the House of Commons. The same was sent to each of the two parties that make up the Provincial Legislature of British Columbia. This action was done during the second week of April 2005. You will notice that Chapter Five is an open letter to our Prime Minister, Paul Martin. [As of October 2008 Chapter Five has been amended and is now addressed to Steven Harper, our present Prime Minister. The complete book will be sent to each Member of Parliament by the end of 2008.]
One disheartening aspect of The Private Debt Money System is that as the number of wealthy increase so does the poverty of the world increase. In our struggle to change the present system we all must become aware of the part we have played in it and how that role has contributed to the suffering we experience and/or see around us.
It is this author’s fervent hope that in this struggle we learn from the people who came before us and showed us how to win without aggression or violence of any kind. A few of these great ones are: Martin Luther King Jr., Nelson Mandela, Mahatma, Gandhi and many more. There have been many that have aided this present struggle and have ended up in prison because of their efforts. We owe them many thanks. One day soon their efforts will be widely recognized. There may be many more suffer the same conditions before we win, but win we will. By “we” I mean each and every human being alive on this earth. Consider no human being your foe. Our foe is a mistaken thought that resulted in a money system that causes suffering to many. It is this thought that must be changed. This thought was the original “terrific idea” that arose one day, so many years ago, in the goldsmith’s mind. We need to teach the world that this “terrific idea” was really one of the worst ideas ever to take root in one mind and spread in so many others. Our struggle is to change just one thought. Demonstrate the fallacy of the premise that any thought system stands on and the whole system must fall.
Speaking of changing our thinking, it is important that we change our thinking of what banks actually are and what they actually do. They are debt farmers and they farm debt amongst human beings, CORPORATIONS and GOVERNMENTS. Do not support their crop. It is a virus -- one that enslaves us.
We, in North America, must start realizing that what we see in our own yard does not reflect what is happening on a global level. When we look around and see that the number of millionaires in North America is growing we get the false perception that our economic system is working in a positive nature.
Instead of just looking at the number of millionaires, we need to look at buying power of the dollar. For example, in the 1920’s, my grandfather bought a two storey detached home in Winnipeg, Manitoba for $750.00. At that time a millionaire could purchase one thousand three hundred thirty-three (1,333) homes. Today, at an average price of $160,000 a millionaire can only purchase six and a quarter (6.25) homes. Being a millionaire today is not the same as being a millionaire in 1924. Today in order to purchase 1,333 homes in Winnipeg you would need $213,280,000.00! We now need $213.33 to purchase what a 1920’s dollar could buy. In other words the buying power of a 2008 dollar is only worth four tenths of a 1920’s cent.
We have become oblivious to simple facts. We have forgotten how to think for ourselves. It is time to change that fact.
David: Ealing
There is a story. It is a short story. It is one I have often told. It leans on the Chicken Little story for existence. You know the one in which all the animals are running to find a place to hide because the sky is falling. At least, all the animals think that the sky is falling. In my telling of it I would always preface it by saying that I know it is a true story because I was there. This is that story.
“As all the animals and I were running in panic to find a safe place to hide we noticed in the middle of a large meadow a lone figure on top of a small knoll. The figure was the sparrow. He was lying on his back with his feet pointed into the air.
We all stopped in our tracks and shouted, “Sparrow, sparrow, the sky is falling! The sky is falling! Hurry! Come with us and we will find a safe place to hide.”
The sparrow glanced at us and smiled. “I’m going to catch the sky.” He said.
The squirrel, (he always spoke first) then yelled to the sparrow, ‘Sparrow, the sky is too big and heavy for you to catch. You are far too small. Look at the bear. The bear has great big leg and she knows that she cannot catch the sky. Look at the elephant. The elephant has the biggest legs of us all and he knows that he cannot catch the sky. And look at David. David also has big legs and even he knows that he cannot catch the sky. And you, with your spindly little legs stuck in the air, you think you can catch the sky.’
Undaunted, the sparrow just continued to smile and said, “One does what one can.”
This short little story is what jogs me to write this book. I am not one who has a single minded focus to a cause. There are times when I want to shake the world and say, “Can’t you see what’s happening.” And there are times that I am filled with apathy and say, “What’s the use. Nobody is listening anyway.”
But that little sparrow, he is constantly reminding me that, “One does what one can.”
There are others, as well, who seem to spring into awareness from a myriad of sources. They say things like:
“Anyone who trades liberty for security deserves neither liberty nor security.”
Benjamin Franklin
First They Came For
…By Reverend Martin Niemoeller…
In Germany, the Nazis first came for the communists, and
I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a communist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I didn’t speak up because
I wasn’t a Jew.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn’t speak up
because I wasn’t a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Catholics, but I didn’t speak up
because I was a Protestant.
Then they came for me, and by that time there was no one
left to speak for me.
Reverend Niemoeller, a German Lutheran pastor, was arrested by the Gestapo and sent to Dachau in 1938. The allied forces freed him in 1945.
Not all of these sayings come from what may be termed positive sources. Below are two of these.
“Why of course the people don’t want war. Why should some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece? Naturally the common people don’t want war neither in Russia, nor in England, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. It is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.”
By Hermann Goering, Hitler’s number two man. The above was his comments on how to generate public acceptance and enthusiasm for the mass slaughter that is war. And still today, it works the same in any country. The information expressed in Goering’s comments is not new. Consider the following.
The Drums of War
“Beware the leader who bangs the drums of war in order to whip the citizenry into a patriotic fervour, for patriotism is indeed a double-edged sword. It both emboldens the blood, just as it narrows the mind.
And when the drums of war have reached a fever pitch and the blood boils with hate and the mind has closed, the leader will have no need in seizing the rights of the citizenry. Rather, the citizenry, infused with fear and blinded by patriotism, will offer up all of their rights unto the leader and gladly so.
How do I know? For this is what I have done. And I am Caesar.”
Julius Caesar
[See:, to see how history has repeated itself in America today. That page begins with: The Roman Republic was the phase of the ancient Roman civilization characterized by a republican form of government; a period which began with the overthrow of the Roman monarchy, c. 510 BC, and lasted over 450 years until its subversion, through a series of civil wars, into the Principate form of government and the Imperial period. America revolted against a monarchy, became a republic, and a civil war brought about a Principate form of government. In Rome Julius Caesar transformed the Roman Republic to the Roman Empire. In America Bankers transformed the American Republic into the American Empire. The difference between the two is that Julius Caesar was a dictator for life and in America’s “democracy the dictator’s puppet is elected every four years. The end is also guaranteed to be repeated. The difference needs to be in how the people put the pieces back together.]
Then I heard about the baboons. And my first thought when I heard of them was, “I hope we (human beings) are at least as smart as they are.”
It seems that there was a troop of baboons in Kenya that was dominated by a few very aggressive and nasty males. These males who aggressively dominated the other members of the troop (the females and the more timid males) had staked out a local garbage dump as their own personal territory. One day as they scavenged for food in the dump, they were exposed to meat tainted with bovine tuberculosis. They all soon died.
This left all those who were not strong enough to compete for scraps at the dump, (the females and the more timid males). To everyone’s surprise the other more timid males never filled the role left vacant by the demise of the aggressive males. Instead, it seems that all the baboons that were left got together and decided that they did not like how things were and the entire troop took on a more congenial behaviour. Even when males from outside this troop would join its ranks the congenial behaviour continued.
Human history is full of examples where aggressive males (and a few aggressive females) have carved out for themselves the equivalent to the baboon’s garbage dump. They have staked a claim to part of this world and attempted to control everything within its borders. Control of the people was especially important. And always these empires fall. It doesn’t take much study of history to see how the death process of empires unfolds and to see that always before an empire’s death the panic of defence takes place. Always, just before they die, empires claim the title of the most powerful. Always, the liberties of their citizens become the expendables. And always, there is the denial of what is really happening.
There is a new kind of empire living in the world today. Or maybe it’s just its size that has not been seen before. It’s called The Private Debt Money System and controlled by a few very aggressive males. It too has entered its death process. The panic of defence is very evident. It claims perfect health while limiting the liberties of its members. While under attack, it points the fingers of blame at the innocent. It has exceeded its ability to maintain itself. It has become a cancer and everything outside of itself has become expendable, even the lives of innocent children. They become “collateral damage”. The danger of this particular death process is that it seems to have the ability and the desire to cut off the branch that the rest of us are sitting on in a useless attempt to save itself. And the people, fearful of their own lives, have become willing albeit ignorant collaborators.
Seeing all this, I ask the sparrow, “What can I do?” And he just smiles and responds, “David, one does what one can.” So, I think to myself, “I can speak of what I know.” So putting my apathy away for now, and remembering my wonderful daughter and her four bright-eyed children I write this book. I think we have a world with too many aggressive and dominant males who will not be satisfied until they find their own version of tainted meat. And then they will die. The real unfortunate aspect of this result is that many innocent lives will be lost before that occurs.
Even now, there are six million innocent children’s lives lost every year, and that is only a fraction of the total number of unneeded, unwarranted, undeserved and totally useless human deaths that occur throughout this world of ours. Perhaps, when all the aggressive ones are gone we will follow the example of the baboons and find a way to live in harmony with each other.
[Note: The above paragraph was written in 2005 when the number of children who were starving to death was at six million (6,000,000) a year. Today (October 2008) just three short years later that number has doubled to twelve million (12,000,000)! In the last four years the number of children who have starved to death in this world of abundance is equal to the population of Canada! My question to you now is, “How many more innocent children need to starve to death before your compassion overcomes your fear?]
It could be such a beautiful world.
Like the spider, there are those of us who refuse to stop spinning, even when it appears to be far more sophisticated to be without hope. Our rope, though perhaps frail, can still be spun with optimism, curiosity, wonder, love, and the sincere desire to share a trip to the stars. Our goal is worth the struggle, for in this case the star to which we aspire is full humanity for all.
Leo F. Buscaglia
Leo F. Bucaglia was affectionately known as the Hugging Professor. I once heard him tell a story of himself and friends travelling through Europe. I think it was during a summer vacation from college. He said that he ran out of money and sent a one-word telegram back home. It said, “Starving.” The reply from his mother was also a one-word message. It said, “Starve.”
He recalled that that reply was the best message his mother could have given him. He said that he knew he had just been kick out of the nest and that the rest of his life was now his responsibility.
Today we can modify and adopt this message for ourselves. We have a mother who is telling us to leave the nest. We have the choice to remain safely in the nest and use up all that this mother has to offer. Or, we can accept that all of the rest of life on this earth is our responsibility. And we can live in a way that guarantees to all future generations such simple thing as living oceans, (did you know that there are large dead areas in the oceans where nothing lives, and that these areas are growing) and how about rich living black earth so that they can grow healthy food without chemicals.
It is to this end that I speak of what I know.
The Cause…………………………
The Private Debt Money System……………
The United States Private Debt Money System…
There in an Alternative……………………
The Effects……………………………………………
Government Tricks……………
Fundamental Rights……………
Natural VS. Artificial…………
Income Tax………………………………
The Real Motives of the World Bank and the INF
More Effects…………………….………
Bubble 1: Man or Fiction………………
Bubble 2: Child Registration….………………………
Bubble 5: Must Submit Application for Registration…………
Bubble 13: Your Existing Common Law Right to Travel…
Bubble 16: Canada Bankrupt…………
Bubble 17: Acceptance for Value………
From the USA………………………………
Point 1: Fiction/Strawman…………
Point 2: Trickery & Deceit………………
Point 3: Bankruptcy and Credit……………
Point 4: Acceptance for Value…………………………
Point 5: Circuitry of the United States Corporation
Point 6: Accounts of the Government Corporation
Point 7: The Court of Conscience………………
The Ultimate Addiction………………………………
The Solution……………………………………………...
Public Credit Money System……………………..
Provincial Credit System………………………...
The only winning move is not to play…….….…
My Plea……...………………………
Dear Mr. Prime Minister……………
After words....……………………………
Bubble 24: Violation Tickets and the Bills of Exchange Act…
What now………………………
For the Children………………
Formula for Debt………………………
Money Quotes………………………………
INTRODUCTION Question: If you were a slave and you had just become a parent of a newborn child, would you choose freedom for your child or would you sign your child over to your master?
I believe all of us, if we had experienced slavery, would without question choose freedom for our child if given the choice. If you are a parent you were given this choice. And I would wager that your choice for your child was slavery. You chose slavery because you did not realize that that was the choice you were being offered. If you became a parent in BC, the way this choice was presented to you was, “This brochure contains an IMPORTANT form which parents must complete for every baby born in British Columbia…” And you thought that you were just registering a name. You were, but you were also assisting the government in establishing a corporation using the name of your child.
Now, when your child becomes old enough to work he or she is told that they must request and sign for a Social Insurance Number. The government does not inform you or your child that by doing this your child is signing on as the sole financial officer of the corporation they set up, with your assistance and cooperation, using your child’s name. Now the deceptive deed is complete. Your child, john or jane doe, a free human being is now also the sole signing officer of the Government Corporation or the artificial-person called JOHN or JANE DOE. The capital letters are significant!
Check your SIN card. Do you see your name in all capital let Do you know that all capital letters signify a corporation? Your name in all capital letters, mean that you, the free human being, have agreed to act as the sole signing officer for the Government Corporation PUT YOUR NAME HERE. Did you know that? And did you know that since the day you signed on as the sole officer of PUT YOUR NAME HERE you have lost your freedom and have been a slave of the government? Probably you have not. If you knew you would have never agreed to assist the government in enslaving your child. Have you also noticed that all letters sent to you by governments, corporations and banks have your name in all upper case letters?
Did you know that another reason that the government is so adamant about you registering your child is that it is worth a lot of money to them? And that with this money the Government takes out a bond? Did you know that the number on the back of your Birth Certificate and that of your child is the number of that bond?
Many of us have had a feeling that something is wrong with how our society works, or does not work. We have known something was wrong but just could not figure out what it was. I have been one of these people. With the help of many I have been lead to a study of our government, our banking system, our income tax system and much more. Upon seeing the deceptive practices used by our government to trick us into slavery the biggest question I had was, “Why”. Why would any government that was elected to represent and protect the people, turn around and enslave them instead? My study has found others who have learned the answer. That answer that is repeated here. The reaction that comes from most people as I outline what I have found out is, “No, our government would not do that.”
But, I am here to say that they have done this and I am as amazed as you are. The “why” will also amaze you. Canada, like United States, is bankrupt and under the control of an economic system called The Private Debt Money system. The deceptive practices used by the government are the effects of this system and have been mandated by those in control of this system. Almost every country in the world has had this monetary system imposed on them so, with a few exceptions; everything said in this book could apply to all these countries as well.
The reason for this book is to show how this monetary system guarantees poverty, unemployment, homelessness and ultimately in 2004, in the death of 18,000 children a day throughout the world due to hunger. It is also to show how the abundance of many is directly related to the lack experienced by many others. This is a message that most, especially the rich, will not want to hear. The very rich (those making millions of dollars a year or more) will find it difficult to hear that the more they make the more some people somewhere will suffer. But even the poor, who think all their problems will be solved by the acquirement of money, will not want to hear that for them to be financially abundant merely means that someone else will have to change places with them.
This work is not about assigning blame. But as with all problems, the cause must be recognized and understood before the effects can be changed. This is not an exhaustive study. Many such studies have been done. What this work does that the others have not done is connect The Private Debt Money System not only to the growing debt of countries and their citizens but also to many other dire problems including world poverty and hunger. Others who have found a very comfortable place within The Private Debt Money System will have difficulty exchanging that place of comfort for the unknown future of The Public Credit Money System. They, like some of the freed slaves of the southern plantations, will be afraid to trade the comfort of slavery for the uncertainty of freedom.
As this is being written, the world has just experienced the effects of a large under sea earthquake off the island country of Sumatra that resulted in a tsunami that took the lives of possibly over 150,000 people and destroyed many millions of dollars worth of property. The response of most of the world has been to offer money, supplies and manpower in assisting those affected in rebuilding their lives and communities. It is hoped that this work will shine a light on a much larger and more devastating disaster that is occurring throughout the world each and every week of the year. It is one that we all have contributed to, although unknowingly. It is hoped that once Canadians know of this disaster their response will be equally as committed to helping correct this problem as it was to aid victims of the tsunami. This commitment will have to come from a much deeper place within each person because the solution will require a larger sacrifice from all those who would give. It is a relatively easy task to give dollars when one’s wallet is full.
It is another matter all together to relinquish a thought that one held as a truth for much of their lives. The solution to this larger disaster is not simply to give money. But rather it will be to convince the Federal Government to take whatever action is necessary to abolish The Private Debt Monetary System now in place in Canada, and replace it with some form of The Public Credit Monetary System. This will be a difficult change because it will require that each person learn not only about The Private Debt Money System now in place but also about the devastating effect that this system has on our society. It will require a commitment to the relinquishment of a faulty thought system.
It may be hard to believe that if Canada rescinded The Bank Act and every other Act that illegally ties the citizenry to a false or artificial-person that it could, on its own, eliminate many of the effect of The Global Private Debt Money System. The bankers know this is so. They also knew it was true of the American Colonies when they started issuing their Colonial Script, because they petitioned the Government of England to pass a law to make it illegal for the colonies of England to use their own money. They also knew this at the time of the American civil war. The following is a quote from The London Times that proves that fact:
“If that mischievous financial policy which had its origin in the North American Republic, should become indurate down to a fixture, then that government will furnish its own money without cost. It will pay off its debts and be without debt. It will have all the money necessary to carry on its commerce. It will become prosperous beyond precedent in the history of the civilized governments of the world. The brains and wealth of all countries will go to North America. That government must be destroyed or it will destroy every monarchy on the globe.”
This was printed during the American civil war. Abraham Lincoln had refused to bind the American people to a debt to banks at interest rates of 24% to 36%. So he got Congress to pass a law authorizing the printing of full legal tender Treasury notes to pay for the war effort. He printed a total of $449,338,902. This money was created debt-free and interest-free.
After Abraham Lincoln was assassinated, Congress revoked the greenback law and enacted, in its place, the National Banking Act. The greenbacks were called out of circulation and destroyed.
Also, found on the inter-net was the following:
“On June 4th, 1963, President Kennedy signed a presidential document, called Executive Order 11110, which further amended Executive order 10289 of September 19th, 1951. This gave Kennedy, as President of the United States, legal clearance to create his own money. He had printed United States notes, completely ignoring the Federal Reserve Notes from the private banks of the Federal Reserve.
Our records show that Kennedy issued $4,292,893,825 of cash money. It was perfectly obvious that Kennedy was out to undermine the Federal Reserve System of the United States.”
Just one day after President Kennedy was assassinated; all the United States notes issued by him were called out of circulation and destroyed.
Henry Ford said words to the effect that, “If the people understood the economic system there would be rioting in the streets tomorrow.” But nobody tried to understand! And so, it still is that if the people understood the economic system there would be rioting in the streets tomorrow. Knowing that our understanding of something would make us angry enough to riot should perk our interest enough so that we make some attempt to understand the deception that has been plied on us since the goldsmith had his interesting idea.
But instead we are like pigs at a trough. If you’ve ever seen fifty pigs at a 40-foot trough you will understand the metaphor. One of the differences between the pigs and ourselves is that we are not as frantic as they are. But how we fight to make sure that we get our “fair share” and it does not really matter that there are those who do not, and under our present system, cannot get their share.
Another difference is that we do have individuals who see that there are those of us who are going without and use their notoriety in an attempt to make a difference in the lives of these others. Entertainers like Bob Geldof and Bono and so many others spend vast amounts of energy to raise money to fight world poverty. It is a shame that their energy is fuelled by ignorance. They do not see what Henry Ford saw. Nor do they see what President Lincoln and President Kennedy saw. They do not see that the trough they feed from does not contain enough to feed everyone and by taking so much they cause so many more to go without. They don’t see the cause of the problem they are attempting to correct is fueled by their own actions. They seem to think that if all the “have” countries just gave a little to the “have not” countries the problem would just vanish in thin air. That is an insane idea. It cannot work and will never work. I would debate that idea anytime with anyone.
We need to realize that the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank (WB) are debt-farming agencies. They have power only when others have a debt to them. The greater the debt the greater their power. We have all heard the statement, “Follow the money.” What we need to learn to do is “follow the debt”. The IMF and the WB loan vast amounts of fiat money, but as with all bank loans they never loan the interest that will accrue on those loans. This sets up a situation in which there is never enough money to repay the debt plus the interest on the debt. [You will learn more on this in Chapter One.] Debt, or more accurately, the debt attributed to the interest on loans, never goes away. This simple statement is the key to our understanding of the ever rising debt of individuals, corporations and countries and deserves repeating. Debt, or more accurately, the debt attributed to the interest on loans, never goes away.
This is the key to understanding how the private banks have gained so much control in the world. They lend funds, but never the interest that is associated with those funds. Put another way, if all the funds that have been borrowed from banks were repaid with all the existing money in the world, what would be left unpaid is the interest on these loans. The most important thing anyone can do to understand the cause of poverty in this world of abundance is to study this effect of The Private Debt Money System.
In some instances it may appear that this is not the case. An example of this in Canada is the fact that one of the provinces, Alberta, has just paid of its total debt. It was able to repay all the loans it had borrowed plus the interest on all these loans. But it was by using money others borrowed in order to buy gas and oil that enabled Alberta to repay its loans and the interest. Now the debt associated with the interest on these loans has been transferred to the purchasers of the gas and oil. This debt becomes the “hot potato” that nobody wants but that someone must hold. It continues to “flow” around the world until finally it accumulates with some poor entity forced into bankruptcy. This is how, and why, The Private Debt Money System guarantees unemployment, homelessness, poverty and ultimately death. This is what Henry Ford saw. This is what President Lincoln and President Kennedy as well as President Garfield and President McKinley saw. And it is what we all need to see.
And when we finally know this, and understand that politicians such as George W. Bush, Tony Blair, Paul Martin, Steven Harper and many others know this, it will be obvious who they support; the people or the World Bank.
What good intentioned people like Bob Geldof and Bono and all the other entertainers associated with Live 8 and other fund raising endeavors do not see is that all the money they accumulate generates more debt that never goes away, and, that someone other than themselves must succumb to it. This holds true for the money they earn personally as well as the money they raise for relief efforts. This is how they contribute to the very problem they attempt to remedy. And, if this is true of them, it is also true of us.
QUESTION: If you had personal assets totaling hundreds of millions of dollars, would you give me $1,000,000 so that I could lend it back to you whenever you had a need to purchase anything? Oh yes, I would also require you to repay this loan back over let’s see, shall we say ten years. And one more thing, you would be required to put something up as security, you know, just in case something unforeseen changed in your cash flow situation and you were unable to repay the loan. In the event that, sometime in the future, you did not meet your commitment to me I would be forced to seize the property you put up as security.
I’m sure you understand and agree that this would be fair and justified on my part if and when these events were to transpire. Oh, I almost forgot, there would also be one more small detail of which you would undoubtedly also agree is necessary. Because of the cost of all the services I would be performing for you at your request, it would be necessary that one last obligation be placed on you. You would be obliged to pay a small yearly interest fee. On my part I would bind myself to the commitment that this said interest would never exceed thirty per cent (30%) per year.
Oops, almost forgot again. Keeping with the common sense of the above, and because of the great investment I have in this agreement you would have to agree that you would come to me for all your future money needs. In the event that you may one day require additional financing of an amount over and above the original $1,000,000 you initially gave me you would be obliged to forward these additional funds to me in advance to the loan being granted. Other obligations that would be bound only to you may be added to our contract at my discretion at the time of signing. (This is our monetary system in a nutshell.)
If your answer to this question is yes, please forward your blank check to: No, please do not send your check. I do not wish to be a banker.
I’m sure that none of you answered this question with a yes. But let me be the first to inform you that as a citizen of Canada you have answered this question in the positive. You have, and so have I, because that is exactly how money starts its journey through this country. You and I, through the “wise” decisions of our Canadian government have agreed to establish the Bank of Canada with the sole authority as our fiscal agents. You’re probably thinking that that is the way it should be, right? But you’re probably basing that decision on the fact that the Bank of Canada is a government owned and controlled agency. Oops, the government in their “abundant wisdom” must have thought that it was for your own best interest that you not know that the Bank of Canada is both owned and controlled by private entities.
You’re probably thinking that our government must have some officials on the bank’s Board of Directors who have some voice in the decisions of the bank, and you would be partly right. There is one and only one government official on the board. And that is our Deputy Minister of Finance. But don’t believe that is any kind of protection for you because he has no vote! And no vote means no control, no power, no influence and ultimately no voice in any of the operations of the bank.
Before we carry on with this discussion, and before the rest of the world laughs too hard at us Canucks, let me assure you that this exact process has occurred and is still occurring in virtually every country of the world. For example, the Federal Reserve in The United States, like The Bank of Canada, is not an agency owned by the American people. And like the Bank of Canada, the Federal Reserve is basically given the money by the federal government (the American people) that it in turn lends back to congress (the American people) that finances the workings of the government (for the American people).
Oh, I can hear you now. As a well-informed Canadian you’re letting me know that I missed an important point. That point is that the Canadian government nationalized the Bank of Canada in 1938 and since that time the bank has really been a publicly owned bank. That may be true but benign shares carry with them no control. I’m sure that it was only an oversight on the federal government’s part that they forgot to tell you that before the bank was nationalized the bank owners changed its class shares to completely benign shares. It then traded these benign shares with the government for five million dollars ($5,000,000). In effect our government bought nothing and paid five million dollars for it. And the situation remained the same, and has continued the same to this day. So even though the Bank of Canada may claim to be a public agency, it is still very much a private bank operating a form of The Private Debt Money System.
Private Debt Money System
The Private Debt Money System is one in which all money enters a society as a debt/credit created out of nothing merely by the flick of a computer key by a private bank. In Canada, and virtually every other country of the world, every dollar you have ever had in your possession was borrowed by some entity (government, corporation, private business or individual), and eventually must be paid back to the bank, which on the surface seems fair and deserved. The flaw in this system is that interest must also be paid on these loans. Again this seems fair and just, however, where does the money come from that is used to pay this interest?
As an example lets say a society consists of 1000 people and each of these people borrowed an average of $100 dollars at 10% interest for one year. This would mean that there now is $100,000 dollars circulating within this society. But in one year each member of this society would have to pay to the bank the original loan of $100 dollars plus $10 interest for a total of $110 dollars. This brings the total necessary to repay all the loans plus the interest on those loans to $110,000 dollars. As only $100,000 dollars exists within this society where does the $10,000 dollars needed to pay the interest come from?
To this question some have answered, “From production.” They believe that by the production and marketing of goods and services a profit can be generated. And, from this profit the interest can be paid. The truth is that production itself creates no positive or excess money that can go to pay the interest. In fact, it only creates more debt. Production does cause the existing debt money to circulate and it does add to this debt money but of itself not one penny is created. This is another one of those instances where half the wool that is pulled over our eyes is cotton. Our attention is directed to the end “result” and we are told that simply by manufacturing a product and selling it for more than the cost of production we create a “profit”.
We are also told that if everyone participated in this effort we would all have an abundance of money to purchase goods for ourselves that would facilitate a happy and prosperous life. This would not only hold true for our life but also for our whole country. With this thinking we look upon others who find themselves living in poverty because of unemployment or find themselves homeless, as people who are lazy, don’t care or just expect a free handout. Thus arises the concept that the poor are poor because of their own lifestyle choice.
To understand how the production of goods increases the debt we need only look at the following simple example. The production of a product has a cost. Let’s say this cost is $10.00. And let’s say the product is sold for $20.00 producing a profit of $10.00. If the original $10.00 was borrowed at an interest rate of 10%, then when the loan ($10.00) plus interest ($1.00) is repaid a net profit of $9.00 is realized.
It is important to keep in mind that every dollar in circulation has been borrowed and represents a debt to a bank. So in order for someone to purchase this product for $20.00 someone somewhere had to borrow that $20.00. With this in mind we see that what is a $9.00 profit for the producer becomes a $20.00 debt for someone else. Add interest and it becomes a $22.00 debt. Each time this product changes hands the total amount of debt increase. The production of a profitable company creates two things. The first, a profit, the second, a debt. But always, always, the debt is greater than the profit. Simple math says that if a positive is added to a negative where the negative is greater, the result is always a negative. Whether we look at this simple example or the most complicated one, the result is the same. Always the debt will be greater than the profit!
It is also suggested that if the private debt money system always ends with bankruptcy the banks would be foolish to lend their money knowing that it could never all be repaid. But remember that the banks do not lend their own money. In fact, the banks have no money to lend. All money that is lent is merely created with the stroke of a computer key and the only cost is the printing of the paper bills. [This is one of the main reasons the banks will push for a cashless society. They will eliminate their only expense, that of printing paper money.]
If some of this money is never repaid there really is no loss to the bank because of this. In other cases it would appear that the bank purposely lend money that they know will never be repaid. Then, when some third world country cannot repay their massive debt the bank steps in to tell that country how it should run its affairs. Always this advice benefits the banks. The banks act like a loan shark who lends someone more money than they can ever repay just so they can say, “In order to repay your debt you must do this service for me.” The bank’s profits come from the interest collected on the loans that cost them nothing to give and the control they are accorded when loans cannot be repaid.
The Private Debt Money System creates a situation within our society of millions where debt is eliminated for one by passing in on to another. This causes a few entities to go bankrupt and the many that succeed in repaying their loan are allowed or forced to borrow more in order to repeat the process. If this borrowing did not continue the entire amount of money in circulation would disappear as it is used to repay the existing debts. The important point to be aware of is that there is never enough money to completely repay the debt no matter how many products are produced and no matter how much profit these products generate. Because of this flaw in The Private Debt Money System and because of the necessity of constant competition for the existing money, it is guaranteed that some must fail to repay their debt. Over time this effect starts to show up in our society as poverty, unemployment, cutbacks, downsizing and eventually homelessness.
Benjamin Franklin knew this. Before the revolutionary war while on a visit to England he was asked the reason for the colonies’ prosperity while England was experiencing a bust. His response was, “That is simple. It is only because in the colonies we issue our own money. (Interest free) It is called ‘Colonial Scrip’ and it is issued in the proper proportions to the demands of trade and industry.”
When the English banks learned of this they pressured the government of England to pass a bill that said that no colony of England could issue its own money. The colonies where forced to discard their Colonial Scrip and mortgage themselves to the British banks to get their money. From that day to this, with few exceptions, (including the money printed by order of President Lincoln and President Kennedy) The United States money has been based on debt. Benjamin Franklin later said that, “…in one year from that date the streets of the colonies were filled with the unemployed”.
Also guaranteed to start showing up is public school closures, overcrowded class rooms, over worked teachers, more students dropping out, emergency ward wait lines, crowded hospitals, waiting lists for operations, overworked nurses, more unemployment, more homelessness, corporate and government cutbacks, corporate downsizing, privatization of government controlled utilities and much more as governments corporations and every person struggles to reduce their costs because of their enormous debt.
In his 1993 report the Auditor General stated, “From confederation up to 1991-92, the federal government accumulated a net debt of $423 billion dollars. Of this, $37 billion represents the accumulated shortfall in meeting the cost of government programs since Confederation. The remainder, $386 billion, represents the amount the government has borrowed to service the debt created by previous shortfalls.” This means that 91% of the debt was made up by borrowing money to pay the interest on what is now (or was then) 9% of the debt. And to think we are such intelligent creatures.
The poor are poor because of the monetary system we all support. They are the effect. The Private Debt Monetary System is the cause. To blame the poor for their situation reminds me of another situation that occurred in my own life. In the 1940’s and 50’s when I was going to school I had a terrible time learning. I could not read well, and my grades were consistently the lowest in the class. I failed grade three and grade six. Constantly I was told that I was just lazy, that I just did not want to learn or I was stupid. I knew that my efforts were maximal so I was not lazy. I knew that I desperately wanted to learn. That left only one option; I was stupid. I was finally expelled from school half way through grade eight.
I have since learned that my inability to learn was caused by a learning disability, and if I had been taught in a way that enables me to learn I would have been able to learn quicker and more thoroughly than most. From this experience I know the frustration and anger that builds from having others point fingers at me saying, “It’s your own damn fault.”
With the understanding I have of The Private Debt Money System I know that it guarantees some will be poor, some will be homeless and some will starve. The only thing that this system does not stipulate is who these ones will be. Until someone can come and show me how all people can experience prosperity under the rules of The Private Debt Money System I will stand and say, “It is not their fault. They are but an effect of a faulty system.”
Before we in this country think that we are the only insane ones, let’s look at the monetary system of our neighbors to the south.
The United States Private Debt Money System
In the United States the creation of money starts with the federal government’s creation of government bonds that are basically given to the Federal Reserve. These bonds or government IOUs represent a government debt. When these bonds reach the Federal Reserve (Fed) they become an asset of the Fed. The Fed now balances this asset by creating a liability in the form of a check made out to Congress.
[Once again, the government gives money to a private bank so that the private bank can lend it back to the government at interest. Don’t you get the feeling that something is wrong with this picture?]
Now that the Fed has given congress the check, congress endorses and deposits it in their account with the Fed.
Now, based on this deposit, congress writes checks to its contractors.
These government checks are deposited in the bank accounts of the government contractors and become commercial bank deposits.
G. Edward Griffin in his book, The Creature from Jekyll Island states:
Commercial bank deposits immediately take on a split personality. On the one hand, they are liabilities to the bank because they are owed back to the depositors. But as long as they remain in the bank, they also are considered as assets because they are on hand. Once again, the books are balanced: the assets offset the liabilities. But the process does not stop there. Through the magic of fractional-reserve banking, the deposits are made to serve an additional and more lucrative purpose. To accomplish this, the on-hand deposits now become reclassified in the books and called bank reserves.
Reserves for what? Are these for paying off deposits should they want to close out their accounts? No. That’s the lowly function they serve when they were classified as mere assets. Now that they have been given the name of “reserves” they become the magic wand to materialize even larger amounts of fiat money. This is where the real action is: at the level of commercial banks. Here’s how it works. The banks are permitted by the Fed to hold as little as 10% of their deposits in “reserve.” That means, if they receive deposits of $1million from the first wave of fiat money created by the Fed, they have $900,000 more than they are required to keep on hand ($1million less 10% reserve). In bankers’ language, that $900,000 is called excess reserve.
The word “excess” is a tip-off that these so-called reserves have a special destiny. Now that they have been transmuted into excess, they are considered as available for lending. And so in due course these excess reserves are converted into bank loans.
But wait a minute. How can this money be loaned out when it is owned by the original depositors who are still free to write checks and spend it any time they wish? The answer is that, when the new loans are made, they are not made with the same money at all. They are made with brand new money created out of thin air for that purpose. The nations money supply simply increased by ninety per cent of the bank’s deposits. Furthermore, this new money is far more interesting to the banks than the old. The old money, which they received from depositors, requires them to pay interest or perform services for the privilege of using it. But, with the new money, the banks collect interest, instead, which is not too bad considering it cost them nothing to make. Nor is that the end of the process. When this second wave of fiat money moves into the economy, it comes right back into the banking system, just as the first wave did, in the form of more commercial bank deposits.
The process now repeats but with slightly smaller numbers each time around. What was a “loan” on Friday comes back into the bank as a “deposit” on Monday. The deposit then is reclassified as a “reserve” and ninety per cent of that becomes an “excess” reserve, which, once again, is available for a new “loan.” Thus, the $1million of first wave fiat money gives birth to $900,000 in the second wave, and that gives birth to $810,000 in the third wave ($900,000 less 10% reserve). It takes about twenty-eight times through the revolving door of deposits becoming loans becoming deposits becoming more loans until the process plays itself out to the maximum effect, which is bank fiat money - up to 9 times government.”
To summarize:
United States money (Debt) Creation
Basically, money circulating in the United States was created by the following steps:
1. The Government issues a bond.
2. This bond is then given to the Federal Reserve.
3. This bond now becomes an asset of the Federal Reserve.
4. The Federal Reserve now issues a check to the congress to enable them to conduct all government business. [The Federal Reserve has just given the government back its own money and now begins to charge the government interest on it!]
5. Congress now deposits this check in the Federal Reserve. [Are you getting dizzy yet?]
6. Congress can now issue checks to its contractors.
7. Government contractors deposit their government checks in their commercial bank accounts.
8. These commercial bank deposits are first a liability because they are the property of the depositor. But they then become an asset by way of a name change.
9. These deposits go through a name change and become a “reserve”.
10. 90% of these “reserves” then become an “excess reserve”.
11. This “excess reserve” becomes the source of all bank loans to corporations and to the public.
12. These corporate and public loans in turn become more bank deposits.
13. These commercial bank deposits start as a liability but become assets by changing their name to “reserves”.
14. 90% of these “reserves” then become an “excess reserve”.
15. Steps 9 to 14 can then be repeated over twenty times before the process plays itself out.
In the United States, for every dollar of debt the government creates, the banks can create an additional nine dollars of debt. Don’t let them know down south but we actually have the Americans beat on this craziness scale. You see, whereas the Fed permits the banks to hold as little as 10% of their deposits in reserve, we in Canada do not require our banks to hold any reserve. They have total freedom to create as much debt out of nothing as will benefit them the most.
At a public meeting discussing economics, I once heard an economist state, “People do not understand economics.” The retort from the audience was, “And economists do not understand people.” There may be some truth in both of these statements, but total truth resides in neither one. In general the public is led to believe that economics is quite complicated and that only economists with masters or doctoral degrees can understand it completely. Actually it is quite simple to understand once all the smoke and mirrors have been taken away.
By studying the above steps that are taken in almost all countries in varying degrees one can see that enormous amounts of money (debt) are created out of nothing. And for the use of this money (debt) created from nothing borrowers must pay interest. The banks never lend the interest and because of this there is never enough money in circulation to pay all the debt and all the interest. As borrowers compete with each other for the existing money to pay their debt plus interest, someone must end up unable to do so. The system resembles a giant monopoly game.
[The word “monopoly fits this scenario perfectly.] And as in every game of monopoly there can be only one winner. We cannot play a game of monopoly and have everyone win. We cannot play The Private Debt Money System and have everyone win. In fact you cannot have 50% of the people win. In the end, whether in monopoly or The Private Debt Money System, only one will win. In The Private Debt Money System every individual, every business, every corporation and every government will eventually lose.
And, within the losing come unemployment, poverty, homelessness, starvation and finally death. These things are built into the system. They are, in an insidious way, assured, mandated and even guaranteed. This is not difficult to understand. It is also not difficult to understand that those who have temporarily amassed large amounts of wealth have contributed to this situation of unemployment, poverty, homelessness, starvation and finally the death of 18,000 children a day in this world.
If the above is still too complicated to understand, think of the game children play called musical chairs. One day only the banks will have a chair to sit on. Even if you are a CEO of a large corporation you will lose your chair. It is guaranteed!
The sad part is that the wealthy do not know that as they amass their fortune they contribute to the creation of the poverty that ends with death. They, like all of us, have been told that with honest effort and dedicated labor we could all have what they have. But that is mathematically impossible using The Private Debt Money System.
The words that Walt Kelly first used on a 1970 Earth Day poster fit well here: “We have met the enemy and he is us.”
To help us understand why The Private Debt Money System must fail, think of any circulating system. Let’s take all the water on the earth. Most of us can remember the illustrations shown to us in science class in grade five or six. We were shown how the water evaporates and rises to form clouds, how these clouds would eventually release the water they carry over land as snow or rain. How this snow and rain would make its way back to the ocean by way of lakes and rivers. We were told that this cycle repeats itself continually.
Let’s look what would happen if we were able to give some private enterprise control of this water cycle? [We all know that this is what some private enterprise does want now.] And let’s look at what would happen if this private enterprise decided that every time any of us used this water they would remove an amount of water equaling 10% of the amount of water we used. They would place the 10% they removed in their own private container. It is not hard to see that eventually this private enterprise would control all the water. Over time the 10% they take would amount to 100% or all the water. Then they would be able to say, “We will let you use some of “our” water for control of your labor, and then control of your land, and finally control of your person.” This is precisely what is happening to third world countries now and what is in store for our country soon.
This is what is happening in the world today. As long as we continue to use The Private Debt Money System it will continue to happen. As has been happening, the debt will continue to rise. Poverty will increase and more children will die due to hunger.
There is an alternative
The following was taken from the Internet.
Alternative Monetary system: Republic of Saltspring Dollar
Robert McGinn
Thursday, December 27, 2001 7:59 PM
Season’s Greetings to All and a Prosperous 2002:
Let me add my 2 cents worth:
I had occasion to write an article for the Monetary Reform Magazine on the Guernsey Monetary System on the Island of Guernsey in the English Channel, just off the French coast. Both Guernsey and Jersey, famous for their dairy cows, are what is called a ‘Bailiwick’ or territory under the authority of a Bailiff or sheriff. This all goes back to the 13th century and before to 1066 and the Norman Conquest.
These islands are semi-independent and are not actually part of the UK and not responsible to parliament. They are directly responsible to the Crown and Privy Council. They do have a defense agreement with the UK.
Back in 1816, they were bankrupt due to the Napoleonic Wars and were in a desperate situation. High unemployment, extremely high debts, poverty, large emigration, no services or public infrastructure and worst of all the island was being washed into the sea due to the deteriorating dikes and sea walls.
Desperation has a way of broadening one’s vision and the Council decided to strike a committee to look into this situation. The committee reported that there was only one way out and that was to print their own money, hire contractors and repair the sea walls immediately. This was all well and good except that the merchants wanted to know how they were going to get rid of this money if they accepted it. The Council agreed that all taxes could be paid in this currency. Thus, a circular system was created from creation of the bank notes to eventual destruction. This all worked well and all notes were recovered and burned as agreed. In the process, a church, a war monument and some repairs to sea walls and dikes were completed.
Then, in 1822, they once again printed 4500-One Pound notes to construct a covered market building. This was completed and every year 450 notes were burned. At the end of ten years all the notes were gone and the building was debt free at zero interest. This building still stands to this day with two additions all paid for with ‘printed’ money. The Council still owns these buildings and I estimate that they have returned at least $5 million or more in today’s money to the treasury over the past 179 years This profit has, of course, been used to finance other public projects and today Guernsey has a flat income tax of 20% and no other taxes. They are not needed.
The circulation is about 17 million Pounds and this in effect is an ‘interest-free’ loan to the Treasury from the note holders. The benefit to all citizens of Guernsey are very low taxes, excellent public infrastructures and lower prices compared to the UK, which is still paying for the War of Independence against the Americans, plus all other war debts.
This massive public debt, which is totally unnecessary, causes both inflation in prices as the interest must be paid by taxing everything and immense poverty, not to mention vast lost opportunities to create all manner of beautiful public works and infrastructure.
It boggles the mind that the solution to our economic problems is so simple and authorized by our Constitution. In Canada, we are very fortunate to own our central Bank of Canada, which is NOT the case in the US or UK. * We could simply issue all the money needed for federal, provincial or municipal public works at whatever interest we decided was reasonable or at zero interest if we were really smart. The interest goes back to the Bank of Canada and is then paid as a dividend to the Federal Treasury at year-end. They do this now on their excess profits. Furthermore, the Bank of Canada could charge a ‘royalty’ on all commercial bank loans of say 0.5%. This ‘royalty’, which is for the privilege of creating money out of nothing, which is how 95% of all ‘money’ is created by the chartered banks, would bring in billions of extra revenues and do away with all manner of idiotic taxes.
The Republic of Salt Spring could do the same. Issue SS Dollars for all manner of public works, charge a ‘royalty’ on all commercial loans issued by banks under SS Charter, tax land (not improvements) at say 1% of its assessed value. There would be no need for any income or sales taxes and we could probably issue a ‘national dividend’ to all citizens of any excess revenue.
The State of Alaska does this now with excess oil revenues. Each resident gets US $I,000-1,500. The penalty for fraud is severe: jail, total loss of all future dividends and repayment of all past dividends. BUT, some still try it and a few get caught and loose everything.
Needless to say, the banks and the wealthy won’t like it because they ‘print’ the money and run the nation for their own benefit.
Had enough yet?
Best regards,
Baron Fowler
* Author’s note: As stated above this is really not the case in Canada either. It is another case were even half the wool that is pulled over our eyes is cotton. We are told half a truth and left to assume that the other half is true as well. In this case it is not. The Bank of Canada is NOT a public agency!
For more information on this and other related topics check out the following site,
This web site offers information on The Bank of Canada, Canadian income tax, our constitution or The British North American Act of 1867, The Public Credit Money System, The Provincial Credit System and much more.
This site however, as with most writings on this subject has an “us” vs. “them” scenario. On the surface this scenario appears to be an intelligent conclusion based on the evidence. However, that conclusion assumes that the “them” is aware of the effect their actions have on the “us”. In a few cases this may be true, but in the vast majority of cases the “them” believe that the “us” can reap the same advantages they have if the “us” just go and find a job or start working harder to contribute to the growth of this country. Very few of the “them” or the “haves” see that it is their actions that contributed to the “us” or the “have-nots” in the first place.
Actually, because one of the results of The Private Debt Money System is the “us” vs. “them” scenario, we find ourselves almost constantly bickering with any who we see as the cause of our inability to have abundance, or, to increase our present abundance. Each political party points fingers of blame at all other political parties. Governments blame the unemployed and those on some form of social assistance. Management blames unions and unions blame management, etc., etc., etc.
As long as blame is laid on the effect instead of the true cause we will never be able to find a true and lasting solution. We need to keep our eye on the true cause. The true cause is The Private Debt Money System. The solution is some form of The Public Credit Money System.
Over the last few centuries many good writers have attempted to show that The Private Money Debt System that controls the global economy in the world today must eventually lead to profit for the bankers and debt for everyone else. It is important to understand that “debt for everyone else” means just that and all countries, corporations, organizations, churches, as well as the “rich” and the poor alike will experience, or already are experiencing this debt. In most cases the rich are just those organizations and people who have created larger cash flows to service their larger debts. The world economy is all an illusion my friends. Its just smoke and mirrors, a house of cards built on a tightrope. Its end result is assured.
The aim of this current work has a major difference and that difference is in the focus. Most other writings have an “us” vs. “them” focus. This work looks at the situation in the light that says, “If we don’t all win, we all lose. This is not the old spiritual, we are one in the spirit thinking, but rather a new idea suggesting that there can be no lasting peace for anyone unless it can be experienced by everyone, and experienced forever. All of us, the rich and the poor have, due to our ignorance of the monitory system we follow, contributed to our current situation.”
The enemy is us. It may be that total peace is not an attainable possibility in this world. But it is the only possibility that offers any hope. Our history illustrates a constant lesson; that whenever one group of people become rulers, dictators, kings, emperors or controllers over others in a given society disparity arises. Then that disparity grows until finally revolution destroys everything and we start the same process all over again. This is obviously a simplified statement of a very complicated process, but show me a time when this was not the case.
The idea that we all lose if we don’t all win is difficult to accept if we just look at our own lives. But instead of just looking at our own lives we need to look at the entire thought system that has infiltrated every society and culture over the last few millennia. That thought system basically starts with the patriarchal premise that “might is right”. Sometimes that might is physical, sometimes religious, sometimes financial and sometimes intellectual, but wherever it starts it says that because of an implied power that someone appears to have, that someone has the right to make the rules that others are obliged to live by. And if the others do not wish to live by these rules fear is applied as leverage to force the issue.
The Private Debt Money System forces governments and their leaders to choose actions that would normally be considered underhanded, deceptive or dictatorial. Because of tremendous financial pressure the Canadian Government has implemented practices that at the very least are deceptive. If it was not for the pressure to raise additional money to cover the interest on our ever growing national debt the following, taken from, would have never needed to be implemented.
One of the ways governments and other regulators have “captured” the rights and freedoms of the human-being, is to create for themselves an “artificial-person / corporation” who is not you, but whom the Government has fooled you into thinking is you. But, so as not to violate your fundamental rights, they also recognize a natural-person, or human-being, and left all your fundamental rights intact.
This concept of an “artificial-person”, a legally obligated entity, that appears to be you, but in fact is not, is a little hard to grasp at first, but if you follow through this site, you will understand.
Once the Government creates an “artificial-person” that simulates you (i.e. appears to be the same as you from your point of view), but is actually a contrivance of the government laws and regulations—then they’ve got you, so to speak. And if you fill out paperwork and sign documents as if you were this artificial-person (create contracts), then they can make YOU totally subservient to all their rules and regulation:
1. Make you obliged to pay taxes,
2. Make you obtain a driver’s license,
3. Make you fill out census forms.
This site will explain to you the difference between your human-being, as you were born, your natural-person, and the legal entity that appears to be you (the corporation / artificial-person) from the Government’s perspective. Although all issues discussed here are fully applicable to the laws of Canada, and many of them are also applicable to U.S. laws, it is not suggested that all information in this site pertains verbatim to U.S. laws.
Armed with the information freely available in this site, all American visitors are challenged to search their own laws and see how much of the data provided here applies to them in their country—as well as all other western nations. Only by searching out the truth of the laws and your original rights and freedoms for yourselves, will you be empowered to protect your natural-person.
This is perhaps the most important page on this web site.
First Trick:
The first “trick” of the Government is the re-definition of certain critical words in each Statute (Act). They (the Government) want you to assume the ordinary meaning of the word so as to trick you into reading and interpreting the Statute in their favour. Two key words that are re-defined in almost every Statute are the words “person” and “individual”. There are at least two “person” in law:
A natural-person is a human being, created by God.
An artificial-person is a corporation, created by Man.
Here are the exact definitions from Barron’s Canadian Law Dictionary, Third edition.
· Natural person. A natural person is a human being that has the capacity for rights and duties.
· Artificial person. A legal entity, not a human being, recognized as a person in law to whom certain rights and duties may be attached – e.g. a body corporate.
You will observe that the natural-person has the “capacity” (i.e. ability) for rights and duties, but not necessarily the obligation. The artificial-person has rights and duties that may be attached (i.e. assigned) by laws.
Second Trick:
The second “trick” of the Government is to use the Interpretation Act to define words that apply to all Statutes, unless re-defined within a particular Statute. Without this knowledge, you could assume the ordinary meaning for the words you are reading, not realizing that they may have been defined in the Interpretation Act. Unless these words have been re-defined in another Statute, the underlying definitions for the two most important words still apply, either from the Interpretation Act, or the Canadian Law Dictionary. Basically they are defined as follows:
From the Canadian Law Dictionary we find that: individual means a natural-person,
From the Interpretation Tax Act we find the re-definition:
Person means an artificial person (amongst other things).
From the Income Tax Act we find that:
Individual means an artificial person.
Person means an artificial person (amongst other things).
Third Trick:
The third “trick” of the Government is to use the word “includes” in definitions instead of the word “means”. They do this in some critical definitions that they want you to mis-interpret. If they used “means” instead of “includes” then their deception would be exposed, but by using, “includes” they rely upon the reader to assume that “includes” expands the definition, whereas in reality it restricts the definition in the same manner that “means” restricts the definition.
Here is a means definition of the word “person” from the Bank Act:
Person means a natural person, an entity or a personal representative;
Here is an includes definition of the word “person” from the Interpretation Act:
Person, or any word or expression descriptive of a person, includes a corporation.
To expose their deception, substitute the word means and you have
Person, or any word or expression descriptive of a person, means a corporation (viz – Artificial Person)
Both “means” and “includes” are restrictive in scope because they only encompass part of the whole. Typically they are used in the following form:
Person means A or B or C (and nothing else)
Person includes A or B or C (and nothing else)
There is a Legal Maxim that supports the restriction of “includes”:
Inclusio unius est exclusioa alterius.
The inclusion of one is the exclusion of another.
The definition of the word include is key to understanding your potential loss of natural-person. This is the major trick used by the Government in an attempt to take away your natural-person rights. Unless you know this, you will voluntarily forfeit your rights.
Forth trick:
The fourth “trick” of the Government is to modify how the word “includes” is used in order to make an expansion in the definition when such expansion is required. This “trick” helps add confusion to the use of “includes” convincing most readers that “includes” should always be expansive rather than limiting. Here are some ways in which “includes” is modified to become expansive rather than restrictive:
Also includes
And includes
Includes, without limitation,
The expansive definitions usually take the following form:
Person means A or B or C and includes D.
Barron’s Canadian Law Dictionary does not provide definitions for “include” or “means” therefore we have to look in the next source for the definitions.
From Black’s Law Dictionary, fourth edition, here is the definition for the word “include”
Include. To confine within, hold as in an enclosure, take in, attain, shut up, contain, enclose, comprise, comprehend, embrace, involve. Including may, according to context, express an enlargement and have the meaning of and or in addition to, or merely specify a particular thing already included within general words theretofore used.
Enclose. To surround; to encompass; to bound; fence, or hem in, on all sides.
It is stated in the above definition that the verb include only has limited scope. On the other hand the participle, including (but not limited to) enlarges the scope.
When used in a definition, include does not expand the existing definition of the word. It is easy to be confused because we naturally assume the existing definition of the word, then assume include means to add this new interpretation to the existing assumed definition of the word. Our assumptions fail us in this case.
From now on when you see the word includes, mentally substitute the word means and you will not be “tricked” by this definition any more.
The Common Law rights and freedoms of Life, Liberty and Property, as enshrined by the Magna Charta of 1215 still remain intact for the natural-person, John Doe.
The corporation JOHN DOE only has rights as provided by its creator, the Government.
John Doe remains sovereign and free in the Common Law world.
JOHN DOE is a slave to the Statute Law world.
The correct spelling for this Great Charter is Magna Charta, but the pronunciation is like “carta” (the H is silent). If you use the incorrect spelling, you will not be referring to the correct document. Here is the definition, and spelling, from Black’s Law Dictionary 4th edition:
Magna Charta. The Great Charter.
The name of a charter (or constitutional enactment) granted by King John of England to the barons, at Runnymede, on June 15, 1215, and afterwards, with some alterations, confirmed in parliament by Henry III, and Edward I. This charter is justly regarded as the foundation of English constitutional liberty. Among its thirty-eight chapters are found provisions for regulating the administration of justice, defining the temporal and ecclesiastical jurisdictions, securing the personal liberty of the subjects and his rights of property, and the limits of taxation, and for preserving the liberties and privileges of the church. Magna Charta is so called to distinguish it from the Charta de Foresta, which was granted about the same time, and partly by reasons of its own transcendent importance.
Authors Note: Although the above web site states that because of the Magna Charta our rights and freedoms have been enshrined and still remain intact there are two important reasons why we should not rely on this as fact:
First, the courts are beginning to recognize that King John was forced to sign the Magna Charta under duress; or at the point of a sword. The courts have ruled that contracts that have been signed under duress or threat are null and void. For this reason the Magna Charta could be ruled null and void.
Second, and ultimately more forceful, is the fact that King John had on May 15th 1213, signed a contract with the Pope in which he essentially relinquished any rights he had to make any decisions regarding England or Ireland. As shocking as it may sound King John gave all of England and Ireland to the pope.
He did this because for a few years previous King John and Pope Innocent III had had many disputes over control of land and, of course, money. These disputes basically ended when the pope excommunicated King John. King John must have felt this was a disastrous occurrence for him personally because in order to be absolved of excommunication he groveled before the pope and made the following concession to him.
We wish it to be known to all of you, through this our charter, furnished with our seal, that inasmuch as we had offended in many ways God and our mother the holy church, and in consequence are known to have very much needed the divine mercy, and can not offer anything worthy for making due satisfaction to God and the church unless we humiliate ourselves and our kingdoms: we, wishing to humiliate ourselves for Him who humiliated Himself unto death, the grace of the Holy Spirit inspiring, not induced by force or compelled by fear, but of our own good and spontaneous will and by the common counsel of our barons, do offer and freely concede to God and His holy apostles Peter and Paul and to our mother the holy Roman Church, and to our lord Pope Innocent and to his Catholic successors, the whole kingdom of England and the whole kingdom of Ireland, with all their rights and appurtenances, for the remission of our own sins and of those of our whole race as well, for the living as for the dead; and now receiving and holding them, as it were a vassal, from God and the Roman church, in the presence of that prudent man Pandulph, subdeacon and to the household of the lord pope, we perform and swear fealty for them to him our aforesaid lord Pope Innocent, and his Catholic successors and the Roman church, according to the form appended; and in the presence of the lord pope, if we shall be able to come before him, we shall do liege homage to him; binding our successors and our heirs by our wife forever, in similar manner to perform fealty and show homage to him who shall be chief pontiff at that time, and to the Roman church without demur. Concessions of May 15, 1213 to the pope.
What a document! One can almost see the smiles and hear the chuckles as the cardinals and the pope drafted this contract. Knowing that they had the king’s complete surrender they must have sent it to the king with one simple instruction; “Sign here.” The humiliation the king felt at having to sign it must have been much greater than the contract indicates.
The dispute that ultimately ended with this concession of King John started over two hundred years before when William the Conqueror defeated King Harold in 1066 and claimed all of the king’s land. He also claimed all the land then owned by the people. Previous to that the pope, as Vicar of Christ laid claim to the entire world. This argument brewed until the concession of King John in 1213. The final agreed outcome was that Jesus owned the world and that the Pope, as Vicar of Christ controlled everyone and everything in the world. And that is why, even to this day, if you are fortunate enough to “own” land the deed has you listed not as owner but as tenant!
The king’s contract with the pope predated the Magna Charta. Two years before the Magna Charta was signed the king had pledged to act as a vassal for the pope who now held title to the whole kingdom of England and the whole kingdom of Ireland. King John had no authority to act on his own and because of this the pope vetoed the Magna Charta. Pope Innocent III declared the Magna Charta to be; “…unlawful and unjust as it is base and shameful…whereby the Apostolic See is brought into contempt, the Royal Prerogative diminished, the English outraged, and the whole enterprise of the Crusade greatly imperiled.” Quoted from G.R.C. Davis: Magna Charta. Trustee of the British Museum. London 1965.
What they don’t tell us in History class!
But this is fodder for another book with a different author. Now back to:
In order to implement Slavery of its citizens and control them according to its whim, the Government had to invent a system that would not violate a human-being’s fundamental rights, but would allow the Government to “own” everything produced or gained by its citizens.
The technique used by the Government was to create a CORPORATION for every citizen in Canada. As creator of a CORPORATION, the Government can demand anything it wants from the CORPORATION. As A legal entity, a corporation does not have feelings and cannot be hurt. It can be subject to slavery and complete domination by its creator and the corporation must obey its creator.
So for every John Doe citizen in Canada, the Government created a JOHN DOE corporation. Capital letters are used to represent CORPORATIONS and Companies. Lower case letters are used to represent the name of the natural-person. See Capitalization.
As a CORPORATION needs a business number, in order to do business, the Government assigns a unique business number to each JOHN DOE it creates. Such a business number is called the S.I.N. (Social Insurance Number)
Finally the Government needs to appoint an officer of the CORPORATION to run the day-to-day activities. Such a position requires a contract since the officer will be held accountable for the actions of the CORPORATION. So, the Government tricks John Doe to become the officer for the JOHN DOE Corporation by signing such contracts as Driver’s License, bank accounts, citizenship cards, passports, etc. In the Income Tax Act, the government just decrees that John Doe is the Legal Representative for the Officer of the JOHN DOE Corporation and the only contract involved is the annual Income Tax Return (yes it is a contract for one year) wherein John Doe gives his agreement as Officer of JOHN DOE for the previous year.
Unfortunately John Doe does not know that he is an officer for the JOHN DOE Corporation and must therefore follow the rules imposed upon JOHN DOE. Hence the confusion sets in because John Doe believes that he is JOHN DOE and therefore has to forfeit his rights and duties upon demand by the Government and its officials.
There are five different levels of capitalization in names of “persons”
Human-being: john doe
Natural-person: John Doe
Quasi natural / artificial person: John DOE
Corporation / artificial person: JOHN DOE
Nomme de Guerre: DOE, JOHN
The human-being has all the inalienable rights and freedoms as provided by God.
[Authors note: These rights and freedom are inalienable and belong to the human being whether or not God exists.]
The natural-person has the rights and freedoms as provided by man with the Magna Charta and Canadian Bill of Rights.
The quasi natural / artificial person has lost some rights, but not all rights. At this time it is not evident how to quantify which rights have been lost.
The corporation / artificial-person has limited rights and freedoms as provided by the creator of the Corporation.
The Nomme de Guerre has no rights and freedoms and is a complete slave to the Admiral.
A book has been prepared in co-operation with the Canadian Government to define the writing “styles” to be used in Canadian English, as well as by lawyers. The book is entitled The Canadian Style (ISBN 1-55002-276-8). According to chapter 4 in this book, and specifically Section 4.03, Personal Names are to have the first letter capitalized only, such as John Doe. In Section 4-13 that discusses Military Terms it reads, “In Department of National Defense documents, the specific part of an exercise name is written entirely in upper case, e.g. Exercise SILENT DEFENDER”.
This is the only reference in the entire book to the use of ALL CAPITAL letters. Therefore by inference, if Personal Names are to have only the first letter capitalized, which we have known since birth, then why do ALL CAPITAL names in our Government, associated documents? Could it be the military connection? After all, most court cases are conducted in Admiralty unless you demand otherwise.
Assuming the Government uses this book in its own documentation, a good assumption since the Government was involved in the preparation of the book, the conclusion is that the Government has an un-documented ‘system of Nomenclature’ that requires ALL CAPITALS for corporations / artificial-persons so they can distinguish them from natural-persons.
The Canadian Income Tax Act requires that “every person resident in Canada is liable to pay tax”. It further defines person as being the corporation JOHN DOE or anybody who acts as a “receiver” for JOHN DOE. Therefore if the natural-person John Doe receives money for the corporation JOHN DOE, he must declare that money as taxable income for JOHN DOE.
The Income Tax Act also re-defines an “individual” to be the artificial-person and officer of the Corporation for the purpose of operating the corporation’s finances and returning the income to the creator of the corporation (the Government).
The Income Tax Return is called a RETURN because it returns to the creator (Government aka Master) that which belongs to the Master (income earned by the slave). In fact, the Government owns everything belonging to the slave, but allows the slave to keep a portion of his earnings (like 50%) so the slave may keep making more money for the Master.
When the corporation JOHN DOE fails to remit the required amount of money on its Income Tax Return, the Government may take action against the CORPORATTION and subsequently the Officer of the CORPORATION. Therefore, the Officer becomes subject to the penalties levied against the CORPORATION.
When reading the Income Tax Act, you will find that there are four similar-sounding words that are used but have entirely different meanings.
The word person is the artificial-person or corporation.
The word individual is the artificial-person.
The word taxpayer is an artificial-person whether or not liable to pay tax.
The word corporation is an incorporated company. Note that the word corporation has been re-defined for the purposes of the Income Tax Act.
Before reading any Act, such as the Income Tax Act, you must read and understand the Interpretation Act; otherwise you are just wasting your time because you have no idea what you are reading.
The above are just a few of the many topics covered on this web site. I encourage all to visit it and learn more.
A good question to ask about now is why. Why would a government elected to represent the people deceive them as the above indicates?
The answer may be because it found itself so deep in debt because of The Private Debt Money System that it could see no other way to raise the necessary funds than to deceptively bind the citizenry to this method of paying off the debt. It may be that the banks, through scare tactics or financial reward convinced the government that it was a good thing to do.
And it may be, like The United States in 1933, Canada entered bankruptcy and the banks now dictated all future government activities. And, it may be that we will never know. We can safely assume that it was not because the government thought it would be the best for all Canadians. It does not take very much intelligence to realize that the above would bring only additional hardship, which it has, and it does not take very much intelligence to realize that hardship will only increase if these deceptive tactics are allowed to continue.
The Following may be viewed by some as part of the cause. I place it amongst the effects because I limit the cause to the idea expressed by The Private Debt Money System. It is the idea that enables bankers to establish banks and set in place all the rules mandated by them that influence or control the lives of all who live in the world today. The rich and the poor are the effect of the idea expressed in the concept of The Private Debt Money System.
By viewing the following as an effect we can begin to see that there is no struggle or fight that should arise between the people and the bankers, or the people and government officials, or any people against any other people. The aim is to change one thought system for another thought system. There is a whole line of effects that automatically flows from The Private Debt Money System. There is a different line of effects that automatically will flow from some form of The Public Credit Money System. To have one effect struggle with another is to assure no change in the cause.
Condensed from an interview by Greg Palast
As a member of Bill Clinton’s cabinet as chairperson of the President’s council of economic advisors and the former chief economist for the World Bank, Joe Stiglitz had access to information, which was not available to outsiders. The World Bank fired Joe Stiglitz in 1999 for his apparent dissent of the bank’s economic policies on globalization. He had come to realize that the political ideology of his employer had gone rotten and he was now ready to “spill the beans” regarding some of the bank’s dubious activities.
The word is that he was not allowed to go quietly into the night as US Treasury Secretary, Larry Summers, was demanding a public excommunication of Mr. Stiglitz for having made his views known to the public. In a recent interview in The London Observer and the BBC TV’s Newsnight, some of the real, often hidden workings of the IMF, World Bank, and the bank’s 51% owner, the US Treasury were revealed. Also, documents marked “confidential” “restricted”, and “not otherwise (to be) disclosed without World Bank authorization” were brought to light.
One such document entitled “Country Assistance Strategy” outlined the assistance strategy for every poor nation, designed, says the World Bank, after a careful, in-country investigation. But, according to insider Stiglitz, The bank’s staff “investigation” consisted of a close inspection of each nation’s five-star hotels. It ended with the bank’s staff meeting some begging, pleading finance minister who is handed a “restructuring agreement” pre-drafted for his “voluntary” signature. Each nation’s economy is individually analyzed, then, says Stiglitz, the bank hands every minister the same, exact four-step program.
Step one is privatization – which Stiglitz says could be more accurately labeled “briberization”. National leaders, using the World Bank’s demands to silence the local critics – happily flogged their electricity and water companies for a 10% commission to be paid into a Swiss bank account for simply shaving a few billion off the sale price of their national assets. (Control ends up in the hands of a few and, ultimately, the monopolization of these essential assets leads to higher costs for consumers.
Step two of the “rescue” plan is “Capital Market Liberalization”. In theory, Capital market deregulation allows investment capital to flow in and out. Unfortunately, as in Indonesia and Brazil, the money simply flowed out and out. Stiglitz calls this the “Hot Money” cycle as cash comes in for speculation in real estate and currency, and then flees at the first sign of trouble. A nation’s reserves can drain in days or hours and when that happens, to seduce speculators into returning a nation’s own capital funds, the IMF demands these nations raise interest rates to 30%, 50% or more. The results are predictable, demolished property values, crippled industrial production and empty national treasuries.
At this point, the IMF drags the gasping nation to Step Three; market based pricing, a fancy term for raising prices on food, water and other essentials. This leads, predictably, to Step Three and a Half, what Stiglitz calls the IMF riot.
When a nation is “down and out the IMF takes advantage and squeezes the last pound of flesh out of them. They turn up the heat until the whole cauldron blows up,” as when the IMF eliminated food and fuel subsidies for the poor in Indonesia in 1998. The people rioted, but there were other examples – the Bolivian riots over water prices in 2000 and this February (2001), the riots in Ecuador over this rise in cooking gas prices imposed by the World Bank. (It is as though the riots were part of the plan)
One such “plan”, the “Interim Country Assistance Strategy” for Ecuador stated with cold accuracy that “social unrest” was expected. The secret report notes that the plan to make the US dollar Ecuador’s national currency has pushed 51% of the population below the poverty line. The World Bank “Assistance” plan simply calls for facing down civil strife and suffering with “political resolve” – and still higher prices.
The IMF riots cause more panic and the flight of capital out of the countries and the ultimate bankruptcy of governments. (Look at recent events in Argentina). Foreign corporations also take advantage of these situations by buying up remaining assets at fire sale prices.
A pattern soon emerges. There are lots of losers and one clear winner, the Western banks and the US Treasury making big bucks off this crafty international scam. Stiglitz told a story of his early days at the World Bank. He met with Ethiopia’s newly elected president and the World Bank and the IMF had ordered Ethiopia to divert aid money to its reserve account at the US Treasury which, pays a pitiful 4% return, while the nation borrow US dollars at 12% to feed its population. The new president begged Stiglitz to let him use the aid money to rebuild the nation, but no, the loot went straight off to the US treasury’s vault in Washington.
Now Step Four of what the IMF and the World Bank calls their “poverty reduction strategy”, Free Trade as designed by the WTO and the World Bank. Europeans and Americans are kicking down the barriers to sales in Asia, Latin America and Africa, while barricading their own markets against Third World Agriculture. In the past, the West used military blockades to force open markets. Today, the World Bank can order a financial blockade, which is just as effective – and sometimes just as deadly.
Stiglitz is particularly annoyed over the WTO’s intellectual property rights treaty, which, he says, condemns the people to death by imposing impossible tariffs and tributes to pay pharmaceutical companies for branded medicines. “They don’t care if the people live or die.
The IMF, World Bank and the WTO are interchangeable masks of a single governance system. They have locked themselves together by what are called “triggers.” Taking a World Bank loan for a school “triggers” a requirement to accept every “conditionality” – they average 111 per nation – laid down by both the World Bank and the IMF. In fact, Stiglitz says the IMF requires nations to accept trade policies more punitive than the official WTO rules.
Stiglitz says that the Word Bank plans are devised in secrecy and driven by an absolutist ideology and are never open for discourse or dissent. Despite the West’s push for elections throughout the developing world, the so-called “Poverty Reductions Programs” undermine democracy. These programs simply don’t work. Black Africa’s productivity under the guiding hand of the IMF “structural assistance” has gone to hell in a handbag. Only one nation has managed to avoid a similar fate. Botswana told the IMF to “take a hike”.
According to Dr. John Coleman, former MI 6 agent in Britain, the international bankers met in Williamsburg, Va. in 1983 to work out a strategy to prepare the United States for a total disintegration of its banking system. This planned event, The Ditchley plan, was to stampede the U.S. Senate into accepting control of the monetary and fiscal policies of the IMF and World Bank. The plan called for IMF and the World Bank influence to be broadened so that it could influence Central Banks of all nations including to U.S. and Canada and guide them into the hands of a One World Government Bank.
Reading this revealing testimony and looking at what is happening in Canada, one has to wonder if the same fate awaits us. The pressure is on to privatize, our social programs are in a mess, our dollar is being purposely driven into the tank and our economy is hanging on a thread. The so-called free trade agreements are showing themselves to be anything but free or fair and the nation’s debt continues to grow as more and more of our citizen’s slip under the poverty line. Canada is falling prey to this monster and we better take notice before it is too late, otherwise, we will experience what many of these other third world countries are going through at present. Since the first free trade agreement in 1988, over 15,000 Canadian businesses have fallen under foreign ownership.
Companies like Bauer Sports, Cooper Sports, MacMillen Bloedel, West Kootenay Power, Shopper’s Drug Mart, Tim Horton’s, Gulf Canada Resources Ltd, Laura Secord, Anderson Exploration, Hunter Exploration, Club Monaco Inc., and many, many others. Even CN Rail is majority owned by Americans. Could CP Rail be next?? Over one half of our oil and gas industry is under foreign ownership and control. We are losing our country and we are letting it happen under our very noses. One day we will all wake up and discover we have nothing but a shell of a country, virtually worthless and meaningless.
Canada has an estimated wealth of over 2,500 trillion dollars! I think we have a long way to go before we are left with a shell of a country. But we are inching toward that. As stated in chapter one, in 1992 Canada’s national debt was $423 billion dollars. Today, (February 7, 2005) just thirteen years later it stands at $802 billion dollars. That’s over $25,000 per Canadian or over $50,000 per working Canadian.
This helps illustrate one of the many problems with The Private Debt Money System. With this system a debt of $802 billion dollars assigned to a population of just over 36 million appears overwhelming. With The Public Credit Money System we would start from the standpoint that a debt of $802 billion is small compared to an asset of $2,500 trillion dollars and a future of unlimited years. Under The Public Credit Money System and with assets totaling over 2,500 trillion dollars, Canada could write a check tomorrow and completely pay off its debt. (And no more interest!)
For the American reader, the United States national debt is presently over ten trillion dollars and growing at over $30,000 per second or $1.88 billion a year. With President Bush’s new budget it will be much more. And American’s will never be able to pay it off! The usury fees will eventually drive America into the status of a third world country. It is my hope that both Americans and Canadians pressure their respective government to find the courage to take back control of their money. With full cooperation these two great countries could together rid this bountiful world of poverty and hunger. And at the same time become wealthy beyond compare.
It is precisely these massive debt figures that lead to another problem experienced by the individual human being in these countries. When a government faces a large debt it is easy for large corporations to step forward and offer to the government in question what might seem a large amount of money to be allowed to do a certain thing.
This certain thing may be permission to establish a mine in a specific location and the easing of the laws around the operation of the mine. It may be a large corporation establishing a large box store where the local people are objecting to it. It may be a developer wanting to build a large office tower or a sprawling subdivision where existing by-laws are amended to facilitate a higher population density than was allowed. It may be a large corporation merely asking for a law to be amended so that their product [a drug or a genetically modified seed or plant, etc.] will have free access to a specific market. It may even be some large pharmaceutical corporation asking for some cooking spices or herbs to be designated as drugs so that it becomes illegal for certain businesses to sell them.
All of these activities assist large, usually multi-national, corporation and restrict the options of the human being. They are justified by Federal, Provincial and Municipal Governments as necessary to help pay down their debt, to stimulate the economy or to increase employment. All the decisions made in these matters are based on the benefit of economics never on the benefit of the people. There is no longer [if there ever was] in any country a government of the people, for the people and by the people. There now exists a government of the bank, for the bank and by the bank.
This process is no more evident than in third world countries where the debt has risen so high that corporations and banks no longer ask to be allowed to do certain activities but simple inform the country what they are going to do. Do you want this for our country? Our inaction will ensure that we will one-day wake up to this. We need to consider very carefully what action we will take and how we will implement them. Mahatma Gandhi may be an excellent teacher to look to for advice in this matter. [He knew his enemy.]
I want to encourage you to keep reading. Much of what is in the preceding chapters, and this one, to quote my friend, are things that, “make my brain hurt”. My friends, we need our brains to hurt.
I keep mentioning the children who are starving to death in this world each and every day. They are what I use to keep my apathy at bay. I know that with The Public Credit Money System Canada, all on its own could eliminate that problem completely.
What is your dream for the world? What would you be willing to do to have that dream a reality? Whatever it is, it can be accomplished easier and quicker using The Public Credit Money System than by keeping what we have now.
What about clean automobiles? What if money was not a problem and we could fill our highways and roads with vehicles that created near zero pollution?
What about education? What if education at all levels was free? We would have the most brilliant scientists, engineers, doctors, teachers and best of all, economists who could actually design fiscal policies that can and will work.
What about the arts? What if we could eliminate the syndrome of the starving artist? Our concert halls would be filled with wondrous music and design. And all could afford to attend; the room would always be full.
What about agriculture? We could on our own, but hopefully with the help of our good neighbors to the south, fill every produce store in the world with the freshest, totally organic, vegetables the world has ever seen. Plus, we could bring back all the varieties of fruits and vegetables that are disappearing and even add more diversity to what already exists. Plus, with all the fresh water we have, we could build an irrigation system that would guarantee the effects of a drought would be no more. With our brilliant engineers, we could ensure that this irrigation system benefits the farmers while causing no harm to the environment.
What about something as simple as work? What if all work was well paid for? And what if you could determine how much you worked? That means that if you wanted a life that is filled with all the items you want in it, whatever they may be, you would have the opportunity to earn enough money to have them. (Remember that with no interest to pay, the cost of everything would be much less.) And, if you wanted a very simple life without all the excess items, you could work fewer hours and have all the leisure time you want.
All this and so much more is possible with one change in the way we live. And you no longer need to be told what that change is.
At this moment, (6:12AM, March 7, 2005) I am in the small community of Celista on the north shore of Shushap Lake, British Columbia, Canada. The night is just leaving. The sky is full of dark clouds and although it is not presently raining, it has rained during the night. The lake is still and as night takes its leave, the lights shining from the windows of the homes on the far shore blink off one by one. I am listening to what has become my anthem, Ted Hawkins singing, Put a Candle in the Window. The CD player is within arm’s length and I have, for the last twenty minutes or so, kept reaching over and pressing the replay button.
And I think to myself, “Canada could do this. Canada, not the corporation, but all the wonderful human beings that make up this beautiful country, could, put a light in the window and have it be a beacon for the world.
It could be such a beautiful world.
The following has been gleaned (quoted) from a book written by Robert-Arthur Menard with the title, Bursting Bubbles of Government Deception. Only a few of the burst bubbles will be quoted here. For a copy of this book and other products offered by this author you could reach him at
BUBBLE 1: Man or Fiction
Do you know what you are? Are you a ‘person’? Are you sure? So you think you are a ‘person’? According to Black’s Law dictionary, ‘a human being is not a person because he is a human being, but because rights and duties have been ascribed to him. Specifically, the person is the legal subject or substance of which rights and duties are attributed. But not every human being is a person, as was the case in Old England when there were slaves.
You see, you as a human being have certain inalienable rights. Your person has certain inalienable civil rights. Believe it or not you are not the one paying taxes, your person is. It is not you that votes, your person does. You don’t get a ticket, your person does. The best way to imagine it is to imagine a human being wearing a coat. The human being is a ‘man’ or ‘human being’ or a ‘natural person’. The coat represents the ‘legal person’. The two together is referred to as ‘individual’. (Indivisible duo).
If you can understand that so far, you can understand the next as well. You may have many ‘persons’. They all have the same name, but have different personalities or functions. See, a person is not determined solely by name, but by the rights and duties ascribed to that person. When you get a traffic ticket, it is almost as if they are creating a person right there solely to deal with that issue. Once dealt with, the person is no longer bound by it. Say you go to vote and on the way you get a ticket. Can the person who got the ticket vote? Can you show them the ticket and use that to secure your right to vote? No you cannot. The two entities, although having the same name, have different sets of rights and duties, and therefore are in fact different persons or at least different facets of one.
Now ask yourself, where does it say that you have to have a ‘person’? Are you obliged to have one? If you do have one, can you give it up? Why have they gone to such trouble to hide from us the fact that they act upon our persons? The reason is simple; they need us to be ignorant for their deception to work. Without ignorance, all the deception in the world won’t help them hold on to their power. The person exists not so they can have power over us, but so we can disassociate from that thing anytime we want we can be in control. If we are never aware it is there, we are slaves. That which YOU will be is entirely up to you.
BUBBLE 2: Child Registration
Having a baby? Congratulations! The first time I held little Elizabeth Anne Elaine, moments after her birth, my heart swelled so much it was like I had never loved before. It is a miracle of a time, and when you are all excited about having your baby, the government social worker that works at the hospital will approach you with some registration forms, telling you, “you have to register your baby”. She will hand you a form and on the cover it says in bold language, “Every Parent must register” and “After a baby is born every parent must register the birth and legal name of their child”.
Inside it says:
“This brochure contains an IMPORTANT form which parents must complete for every baby born in British Columbia. The registration of Live Birth form is the official Provincial record of the birth and the registration of the child’s legal name. Everything you need to complete the form is provided including detailed instructions and a pre-addressed envelope.”
(It is designed to make you believe you have an obligation to register and if you don’t the law will get involved and you will be in big trouble.)
Next paragraph reads:
By law, you must register the birth and legal name of your child within 30 days of the birth. Naming a child and registering the birth are your important responsibilities because registration is the only way of creating a permanent legal record of a person’s birth. There is no fee to register a baby’s birth so long as it is registered within 30 days. Simply fill in the registration form and mail it in the envelope provided, or bring it to any BC Vital Statistics Agency office. See back cover of this brochure for our office locations and telephone numbers.
Then it states:
At the same time as you complete the mandatory Registration of Live Birth form, you have the option of ordering a birth certificate for your newborn.
Now let’s take a very close look at what they are actually saying.
First Paragraph:
This brochure contains an IMPORTANT form which parents must complete for every baby born in British Columbia. –This tells us ONLY the parents can complete it. The government cannot do it on your behalf. They us the word ‘must’. Notice they do not use the word ‘obligated’ or ‘obliged’. Must is a very tricky legal word, and when you find out its true meaning in a later bubble is burst, you will see what I mean. Here they use the word ‘baby’. They are referring to the human being; blood, flesh and bone vessel of the spirit.
The registration of Live Birth form is the official Provincial record of the birth and the registration of the child’s legal name. – Here they tell you the form is the Provincial record. Not yours, theirs. They have also now slipped in the word ‘child’ instead of ‘baby’. The ‘child’, legally is the ‘person’. Notice how also they tell you that you will be creating a ‘legal name’. Not a lawful name, but a legal one. There is a big difference between the two, and it is one bubble that will be burst in a following chapter.
By law, you must register the birth and legal name of your child within 30 days of the birth. – Again the word ‘must’. And why must you do it within 30 days? What exactly is the penalty for registering late? Notice also the use of the words ‘child’ and ‘legal name’.
Naming a child and registering the birth are your important responsibilities because registration is the only way of creating a permanent legal record of a person’s birth. – Now the trap is almost shut. ‘Responsibility’ refers not to what one is obliged to do, but who is to blame after the fact. Notice here also how they are using not the word ‘baby’ nor ‘child’ to describe your offspring, they are using the word ‘person’ and they may not be describing your offspring at all. They tell you straight out, by using the word ‘person’, that you will be creating a permanent one.
There is no fee to register a baby’s birth so long as it is registered within 30 days. – Ah-Ha! Here is why you have to do it within 30 days! To avoid paying a filing fee! Wow so scary! That is why they can get away with using the word ‘must’ when there are no actual obligations.
Next paragraph we find this:
At the same time as you complete the mandatory Registration of Live Birth form, you have the option of ordering a birth certificate for your newborn. – They also use the word ‘mandatory’. Notice what it is referring to; it is referring to the noun not the verb. The action is not mandatory; the form is, if you choose to register. Now we also apparently have some sort of option about ordering a Birth Certificate. Ask yourself this, if you have an option now, what makes you think you didn’t have one to begin with? Do you think they have an obligation to tell you what all your options are?
Here is the biggest question of all:
If what they are selling is such a good thing, why do they use so much obvious deception to get us to buy it?
So this is essentially what is happening. When you register your offspring, you are creating a legal entity or person, you are associating that person with your offspring and then you are abandoning that entity to the government who appears to be seizing it under the laws of maritime commerce. This ‘person’ is in fact chattel property and can and is used for collateral on loans. Your registered baby is in fact a form of pledge and is worth a lot of money. Also, if they ever come for your baby acting under some legislation, it is that chattel property they are acting upon, not your offspring. But because it is all done apparently lawfully and legally, and you maintain the association between that entity and your baby, they have a right to affect your offspring.
The Birth Certificate is not just evidence of the birth; it is evidence that you have abandoned the King of documents: the Record of Live Birth. They will not accept a certified and notarized true copy of the original. Nope, they need the original itself.
Imagine creating a raincoat for your offspring, the record of creating that raincoat and evidence of ownership you give to your neighbour. Then he comes over and claims the right to remove the coat, with your child still in it. That is exactly the mechanism they use to remove your offspring.
BIRTH. The act of being born or wholly brought into separate existence.
Black’s 1st. See Note, and Note at birth record.
Note: A man or woman is “born”, straw men are “wholly brought into existence.”
Each event qualifies as a “birth.” The birth certificate documents a muddied mixture of the two events that allows the system to both claim that it “your” birth certificate yet also claim to hold title to (not ownership of) the corporately coloured straw man.
BIRTH CERTIFICATE. A formal document which certifies as to the date and place of one’s birth and a recitation of his or her parentage, as issued by an official in charge of such records. Furnishing of such is often required to prove one’s age. Black’s 6th. See Note, birth, birth record, and document of title, field warehouse receipt, and bond.
Note: A birth certificate is a negotiable instrument, a registered security, a stock certificate evidencing, or representing, the preferred stock of the corporation and against which you are the surety; it is a pedigree chattel document establishing the existence of your straw man, a distinct artificial person with a fictitious name; it is a document of title to a straw man; it is a warehouse receipt for your body; delivery receipt; industrial bond between you (flesh-and-blood man or woman) and the industrial society an corporate US Government (artificial person).
In Canada, the original birth certificate is generally created at the PROVINCIAL level (in rare instances city level) via birth documents from the hospital (for which the hospital receives $$$ from the PROVINCE for causing the registration of the birth) and passed to the Provincial and Federal levels, and likely elsewhere. Per the definition of “birth” above, the document references both the newborn and the straw man. Certified copies of the birth certificate may be obtained at the Vital Statistics Office. Your birth certificate is one of the kinds of security instruments used by the government to obtain loans from its creditor, under which it is bankrupt.
According to a researcher who worked on a research project for one of the world’s largest brokerage houses he discovered that in the year 1936 each American birth certificate was assigned a value of $630,000.00. The investigative journalist’s report beginning on page xxiii confirms that (new) birth certificates today carry a value of $1,000,000.00 and that upon notification of the receipt of a new birth certificate at the Ministry of Finance, it takes out a loan for $1-million and purchases a bond, then invests the funds in either the stock market or bond market. The collateral for the loan for the bond issued against the birth certificate is you; i.e. your body, labour and property. A man in Santa Barbara, California who obtained his original birth certificate from the Department of Commerce some years ago via a Freedom of Information Act request reported the endorsement of 17 different foreign countries thereon. There may also be other types of birth documents used by the Government, or others, to obtain loans/credit.
BIRTH RECORD. Official statistical data concerning dates and places of persons’ birth, as well as parentage, kept by local government officials. Black’s 1st. See Note, birth certificate.
Note: Under “birth certificate” the definition refers to “one’s birth,” and under “birth record” the definition refers to “persons’ birth.” “one” means flesh-and-blood man or woman; “person” means artificial or juristic person. See individual.
BUBBLE 5: Must submit Application for Registration
Much of the power government has over you is a result of your actions, not theirs.
‘Submit’ means ‘to agree to bend to another’s will or to ‘leave to another’s discretion’. An agreement is a contract is a contract and must be entered into voluntarily. If you are leaving something to someone else’s discretion, it must have been yours to begin with, right? Again it is voluntary in nature. You can never be lawfully compelled to submit.
‘Application’ legally means ‘to beg, plead, petition, implore, entreat or request’. The assumption this create in court is fivefold; 1) he who begs knows exactly what he is begging for, 2) he knows exactly what he is giving up for it, 3) he is acknowledging the authority to grant OR 4) he is creating it through transference, and 5) he is doing it all voluntarily.
‘Registration’ was historically the act of a Ship’s Captain signing over his ship and all chattel contents over to the harbour master for safekeeping. Chattel contents included the condemned, those in debt, prisoners, anything that could be bought or sold and slaves.
‘Must’ is likely the trickiest word by far. You will find it used with ‘application’, ‘submission’ and ‘registration’ extensively. They try to use it to make you think you have an obligation to act; you do not, for under law, you are never obliged to beg. If I tell you, “You must come to my party through the front door”. Does that create an obligation for you to come to my party? Or does it perhaps merely define conditions, which have to be fulfilled in order for me to have authority over you? If you look in Black’s Law dictionary, you will find that ‘must’ is sometimes ‘synonymous with may’.
One is never obliged to ‘apply’, ‘register’ or submit’.
BUBBLE 13: Your existing Common Law Right to Travel
This is one of their biggest means of gaining control over us. The right to travel is so fundamental to our existence as a society that without it we would likely not even have one. As it is now, they seem to have everyone convinced that we have to get a licence to be on the road in an automobile. This is not the case at all. We will take a close look at that right and the Motor Vehicle Act that they use to control your actions.
From the Motor Vehicle Act:
“motor vehicle” means a vehicle, not run on rails, that is designed to be self propelled or propelled by electric power obtained from overhead trolley wires, but does not include a motor assisted cycle;
Read that carefully. See the “quotation” marks? Do you know what they mean? They legally mean “these words”. These “PRINTED” words. It is telling you that anytime you see those printed words, you know it is referring to something that has those attributes. It is telling you all “motor vehicles” will have these listed attributes. Now ask some questions. Is the definition a full and complete one? If not then it stands to reason that there must be further attributes, which are needed to fully describe a “motor vehicle”.
Think of it this way: if I say, “’apple’ means a round red fruit”, does that mean all round red fruit are apples? Obviously not, right? After all, there are pomegranates, grapes and certain varieties of exotic Asian pears. They are not saying that all things with those attributes are ‘motor vehicles’; they are saying that all motor vehicles have these attributes. See the difference?
If we look further in the same act we find under Section 3 the following:
3 (1) Except as otherwise provided in this Act, the owner of a motor vehicle or trailer must, before it is used or operated on a highway,
(a) register the motor vehicle or trailer with the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia,
(b) obtain a licence for its operation under this section, and
(c) obtain for it a certificate of insurance under the Insurance (Motor Vehicle) Act.
(2) Despite subsection (1), a trailer towed by a tractor licensed under section 8 need not be licensed.
(3) The owner must apply for
(a) registration and licence in the form required by the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia, and
(b) a motor vehicle liability policy in accordance with the Insurance (motor vehicle) Act and regulations under the act.
Remember how to ‘apply’ is a voluntary act and ‘must’ can be ‘may’ and no one is ever obliged to beg or apply? Remember how there must be a missing attribute unless the definition is full and complete? Well this is that missing attribute which is required before something with those attributes can be deemed a ‘motor vehicle’. You as the owner have to beg to have them confer upon your automobile the status of ‘motor vehicle’.
In order to register you will have to hand over the MSO or Manufacturers Statement of Origin or the MNVIS (Manufacturers New Vehicle Information Statement). They can give you a certificate of Ownership with two names on it; yours and theirs. Now they are part owner of that ‘motor vehicle’ and you never even had to register it in the first place!
BUBBLE 16: Canada Bankrupt?
Did you know that Canada has a Receiver General? Did you know this means we are in receivership? Yes boys and girls, Canada is in fact bankrupt. This means they have little right to engage in commercial activities. You can raise this issue in court and watch a Judge almost have a fit. Deputy Sheriffs will suddenly emerge from the walls and you might end up in goal for a little cooling off period. They do not like you pointing out that the ball they are trying to kick around has no air in it.
BUBBLE 17: Acceptance for Value
Acceptance for value is the key to becoming the holder in due course of any negotiable instrument, including your birth certificate. Here, the term “acceptance” refers to the recipient/acceptor and the item accepted (such as one’s birth certificate); “value” refers to that which is given by, or flows back from, the recipient of the item in exchange. The term “value”, as employed in the UCC, is a highly significant term and comprehension of the Redemption Process requires full understanding of it.
This bubble is one of the biggest ones and I will not be able to cover it much here. Basically it boils down to your right to accept the charges they bring against you. This removes any conflict or controversy and means the courts should not be involved. You then have them place the charge against your account that they hold.
Imagine you are in a restaurant, and the waitress presents a bill. You look at it and state you wish to speak with the owner. The waitress goes and gets the manager who tells you she is not sure who the owner is. You tell her to find out. Eventually she returns and tells you, “Surprise, you are the owner!” So you take the bill that she presented to you and because you are the owner, you write on it "Accepted for Value, apply to my (the owners) account”. Then you sign it. The bill has been settled, it has completed due course, and the person who initially presented it, has nothing to complain about, after all they were presenting it for you and to you. That is essentially the Acceptance for Value route, although I strongly suggest you do extensive research before trying it.
One thing recently done in this regard was the acceptance of a Parking Ticket. They will send a bill, although it will not be signed. You can scratch out the word AMOUNT and replace it with VALUE and write across the face of it the following: “Value assigned by owner to bond #xxxxxxx (number on back of Birth Certificate) and accepted for value. Present to Minister of Finance the holder of said bond and quote registration number xx-xx-xxxxx (registration number from front) and direct him to adjust this account to your satisfaction.
[See: point 4: on page 41, and Point 6 on page 42 for more information on Acceptance for Value.]
There are many more bubbles that get burst in Robert’s book but these are the main ones relevant to this work. The following, also found in Robert’s book has been written by an American. As Robert says, it is, “Specific to the US, although the mechanism employed is virtually identical to the one used in Canada.”
From the USA
I am presenting this information for study purposes, and do not advocate people running out and doing this without proper research and study. This may take a year or so for some people, as it did for me. If you are currently in trouble, I definitely do not advocate doing this to “get out of trouble”. This is best used for prevention of problems, rather than solving them once they happen, and then deciding it is time to learn. What I am going to explain has more to do with “principles” and understanding than anything else. There is very little work involved, or paperwork for that matter. The most important thing to take into consideration when studying this is “You have to adjust your thinking 180 degrees from what you have been taught, or you have to put aside all preconceived notions about money, economics, banking, law and government”. You must do this first, before you try to understand this information.
These are the points to consider:
1. The constitution was suspended in 1864 by Abraham Lincoln and martial law was declared.
2. The United States is a Corporation as it was set up in 1871.
3. You and I are owners/operators of this Corporation. The IRS only recognizes two types of individuals, employers and employees. We have been using our Account Number as an Employee Identification Number instead of an Employer Identification Number. Social Security is a benefit and Owners/Operators don’t seek benefits from their own corporation.
4. The Birth Certificate created a “strawman” (Dummy Corporation) with your name in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS.
5. The UNITED STATES went bankrupt in 1933 and pledged your “strawman” as collateral against the debt. Ever since then, your “strawman” has been bankrupt along with the UNITED STATES Corporation.
6. HJR-192 of June 1933 made it against “Public Policy” to require gold or silver (substance) for the payment of debts. All corporations under the bankruptcy must “discharge their duties dollar for dollar”. All corporations are “Trustees in Bankruptcy.
7. There is no money. It was removed in 1933. Now all we have are “Negotiable and Non-Negotiable Instruments.
8. A corporation cannot arrest its members, but it can “Make Offers” to the “public”.
9. The opposite of an “offer” is an “acceptance”. When you don’t “Accept”, you are in “dishonour”.
10. You cannot pay a debt with a debt and all of the money, credits, Federal Reserve notes, checks, money orders etc. are ALL debt instruments, since they are all borrowed into circulation. If you don’t understand this part, then ask yourself this question: “Did you make that money?” If the answer is no, then IT IS DEBT, TO YOU. The only way we can pay is (WE CAN’T) but we can make an engagement to pay by “Acceptance for Value”. Then they have to adjust our account, because there is our remedy, since they took away our ability to pay with real substance. HJR-192 is the Insurance Policy.
When the State or the Federal Government is making us offers, i.e. warrants, indictments, fines, tickets etc., they are making us “offers” and we are Dishonouring” them, BECAUSE we are not “accepting” them. When we “accept” them, and we ask them to “adjust our accounts”, they now have the obligation of “settlement”. If they refuse, then they are in a position of “dishonour” now, and they are stepping out of their bounds as our Trustees in Bankruptcy. Now they are the ones with a tax obligation on their hands because they have everything “ACCOUNTED FOR” in their system. So, since we have actually paid in fact, with our acceptance, they are now “stealing the charge” when refusing to “adjust the accounts”.
11. The “charge” they are charging you with is FINANCIAL.
12. Title 27 CFR 72.11 says specifically, “Commercial Crimes: Any of the following types of crimes (Federal or State); Offences against the revenue laws; burglary; counterfeiting; forgery; kidnapping; larceny; robbery; illegal sale or possession of deadly weapons; prostitution (including soliciting, procuring; pandering, white slaving, keeping house of ill fame; and like offences); extortion; swindling and confidence games; and attempting to commit, conspiring to commit, or compounding any of the forgoing crimes. Addiction to narcotic drugs and use of marihuana will be treated as if such were commercial crimes.”
Here is a summary of the different elements of this study:
Point 1. Fiction / Strawman
In the movie, the Matrix, machines are harvesting human energy and keeping the people enslaved in a virtual world, and nobody realizes it, which makes it work even better. Just like in the movie, today, corporations harvest our energy, but not in such an extreme way. Today it’s done with deception. When we are born, we get a Birth Certificate, and on it is our name in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS. This is called a “strawman”. In reality, it is a dummy corporation that is being born. When we get a Birth Certificate, it is registered with the Department of Commerce. When it is registered, it now becomes a “Registered Security”, similar to a stock or a bond. Now the corporation is all set up, and this “strawman”, is referred to as a “Transmitting Utility”. It is the utility through which the government, also a fiction, can now “harvest” your energy for its own purposes. Since the government is in reality, a corporation, it is actually a fiction, a piece of paper in other words and the only way it can relate to you, or pull you into its jurisdiction, is through the creation of this artificial entity on your Birth Certificate; the “strawman”.
Now, when the Birth Certificate was registered, it could have been registered on the “public” or the “Private” side, but it was registered on the “Public” side for “Public Use”. Then, when the country went bankrupt in 1933, the governors of all 50 states pledged the “Full Faith and Credit” of their states, and handed over the Birth Certificates to the bankers that control the nation as collateral against the debt that was fast accumulating.
“Governments descend to the level of a mere private corporation and take on the characteristics of a mere private citizen where private corporate commercial paper [federal reserve notes] and securities [checks] is concerned…” – Clearfield Trust Company v. United States, 318 U.S. 363-371, 1942.
Then governments enter the world of commerce, they are subject to the same burdens as any private firm or corporation” – U.S. v. Burr, 309 U.S. 242 See: 22U.S.C.A.286e, Bank of U.S. vs. Planters Bank of Georgia, Ed. (9 wheat) 244; 22 U.S.C.A. 286 et seq., C.R.S. 11-60-103.
And, you see the United States was incorporated in the District of Columbia in 1871.
Point 2: Trickery & Deceit
When the government addresses you, it is always by your CAPITAL LETTER NAME, which is the corporation, which is being addressed. When the IRS is looking for JOHN DOE, they are looking for the ALL CAPITAL LETTER NAME, “JOHN DOE”, not the natural flesh and blood person, you or I. But, the trickery comes in here. When you or I answer to that name, without knowing the difference, it is then “presumed” that you are the one they are looking for. And the government loves to act on presumption. That is the basis for a lot of “commercial law”, simple presumption and rebuttal. The IRS is really looking for the corporation to pay the taxes, because only corporations can be taxed. But then you say, “Yea, that’s me.” And now you “owe the debt”. In reality, the IRS was looking to get the taxes from the strawman, in order to give back to you, the flesh and blood person. They are a collection agency, and they are collecting FOR you, nor FROM you.
Now, why would the government give money to you, instead of collecting it from you? That doesn’t sound right. The truth is that WE, the flesh and blood people, are the ”Employers”, and all people in government are the “employees”. And the IRS only recognizes 2 kinds of people, “Employers” and “Employees”. ALL employees are FICTIONS, because they are working in a financial capacity. They are working FOR the “corporation”.
Point 3: Bankruptcy and Credit
When the government “Registered” those “Securities” as part of its massive “Corporation”, they set a value on each one, which was approximated to be what you would consume and produce in your lifetime. (Estimated) When they set that “Value”, then “Money” was created.
Ever since the bankruptcy in 1933, caused by J. P. Morgan through the Federal Reserve Bank, there has been NO MONEY in our society. We have been exclusively on a Credit/Debit system ever since. Since there is NO MONEY, then how is any credit created? Well, we set “value” to things and that is how the “Credit” is created, period. So, when the country went bankrupt, it pledged the Birth Certificates, that were assigned “Value”, and that is all the corporation operates on. A very little known fact, to our benefit, is that HJR 192 was passed along with the bankruptcy bills, and that basically said that, “There can be no contracts put forth from this day on, that can call for payment in substance, i.e. Gold or Silver. So all anyone can ask for is, “like for like”.
Like when a bank makes you a “loan” for a home, the created that “credit” out of thin air by pressing a button on their computer. No skin off their back, if you default, they will repossess the home, even if you have paid 90% of it off. But, the problem is that you borrowed their credit, instead of creating your own. We are using the government money, which is all “debt”, or “debits, not credit. This part gets a little deep, so I won’t go into it too heavily here. But the point is that the government cannot call for a payment in anything of substance, only “Credit”, and the same applies to all of us.
Now, if you knew the truth, you wouldn’t want those Federal Reserve Notes anyway, because they are in fact government debt, liens, on the borrowed credit on our Birth Certificates. This is the source of the “Credit”, Birth Certificates, but then they were pledged for the debt, and now the government prints “dollars” based on their value; it really comes from your positive “Credit”. Using this “Credit” is actually the “private” side of our government, with us, the flesh and blood people as the “Employers”.
Point 4: Accepted For Value
Since the government acts on the basis of presumption, namely that you, and not your Strawman, is the actual defendant, you have to overcome these presumptions with a fact. It is the same with a so-called “debt”. What a banker does, and someone who would be the “Employer” of a corporation would do, when handed a “commercial presentment”, and “Order to Pay” or an “Order to Perform”, is what is called “Acceptance for Value”. They stamp, or write sideways across the paper: Accepted for Value, this Property is Exempt from Levy. Please adjust this account for the Products, Proceeds, Accounts and Fixtures and Release the ORDER(s) to me immediately”. Or, in the case of court presentment, “ORDER(s) of the Court to me immediately”. What you are doing is “Accepting to pay” the account down, but the problem is, there is no money, so they HAVE TO “Adjust” or “Zero” the account, and close the account as well. If you are ever presented with a bill, you can actually do this. It has been done for amounts ranging from hundreds of dollars to hundreds of thousands of dollars. All discharged.
Point 5: Circuitry of the United States Corporation
The Energy that is “Harvested” from us is electric in nature. That is understood by the people who run this system. They have hardwired our system of government to the circuitry of the human body. What is the government always trying to extract from you? Money! – What is Money? – Energy, Electrical Energy. That is why it is called “currency”. And where do they extract this currency from us? In their “Circuit Courts”, which regulate the “Energy Flow”. They “Charge” you with a crime, but is it really a Criminal Charge”? Or a “Financial Charge”, like being charged for a meal? The truth is that it is a “Financial Charge”, but people don’t know, so they are charged criminally. It is really a “Breach of Contract” you are being charged with. You have to look up the definition of the word “person”, which really means “Corporation”, like your “Strawman”.
Point 6: Accounts of the Government Corporation
Every time the government issues a ticket, warrant, indictment, or charge against the individual, there is an account set up in the corporate accounting. All crimes are “Commercial Crimes. Look it up at Title 27 CFR, section 72.11.
So, the answer is to take those “charges” and “accept them for value”. Because now you are saying, “Okay, I’ve accepted to pay those charges, now you have to zero my account and hand over the property to my. (Which includes the “Value” of these charges.) Remember that all government issued warrants, tickets, charges, etc. have a “Value” assigned to them, and a “Bond” is taken out for ten times the amount and put into the stock market. This makes the government more money, or credit on the created “credit”.
But, upon Acceptance, they now have to remove it from the government accounting within 72 hours according to the Three Day Federal Truth-in Lending. And the value assigned, around $1 Million per Felony criminal count, now becomes YOUR property immediately upon “Acceptance” of the Presentment or Charge. If they refuse to adjust and “zero”, and close your account, the person in receipt of the written “Acceptance”, i.e. Police Officer, Judge, etc., is now in possession of taxable income, and all criminal charges will now accrue to them instead. You can now call the IRS on them for Tax Evasion, since they are in possession of your property after “Acceptance”.
Point 7: The Court of Conscience
Courts are set up to settle disputes. That is their only purpose. But, They have been turned into the Grand Inquisitor’s Magic Mental Manipulation chambers. When there is an attempt to get you to go into court. It is the same as if K-Mart was out there sending out notices to all Employees that there is a company meeting and you better be there or face the penalties. Why would you go if you were not a K-Mart Employee? For fear of being arrested, maybe? But that is Mental Manipulation. Do you talk to walls? How about doors? Why would you respond to a government corporation, which is a fiction?
The response itself assumes jurisdiction for the court. There was a man who walked into court recently, and told the judge the court didn’t have jurisdiction. The judge said to the man, “Of course we have jurisdiction”. The man asked the judge were it was laid out that the court had jurisdiction over him. The judge responded, “You’re here aren’t you!” Which leads one to wonder if he wasn’t there voluntarily, the court wouldn’t have jurisdiction. In another case, a man was in jail a few years back with a federal judge who was also in jail. This man was a jailhouse lawyer type and he talked with the judge once in a while. One day, the judge told him something very profound. He said, “Ninety-nine percent of all the people in jail are there VOLUNTARILY”.
Basically, the way the court works is that it is OUR court. Not THEIR court, but they use it for their business all the time. They are trying to get you to consent to the jurisdiction by, “Recognizing the Accuser”. If you are recognizing a fictional accuser, you must be insane, or you are actually the one they should be addressing, i.e. government employee. And then, you immediately become the defendant when they say you committed an “Offence”. But, now you are the “Defendant”. It is such a simple trick, because you “Defended”. Now you are in a bad position. To avoid this one must avoid courts entirely unless you are dragged in against your will. At which time, before the judge, you ask three Magic Questions:
1. “May I have your name, please?”
2. “Do you have a claim against me?”
3. “Do you know anyone who has a claim against me?”
And then follow up with a statement:
4. “I request the Order of the Court be released to me immediately.”
This has worked countless times, and almost without failure. The reason is simple: You are only there if someone has a “Claim” against you. The government tries to “assume” a claim, but they don’t and can’t have one because they are a fiction, and cannot be injured, and so they cannot “register” in the commercial registry where you must be registered to file a claim properly. So, nobody can step forth and say they have a claim against you. One way or the other, it is all on record. And this is where you bring them into what is called a “Court of Conscience”. You know they don’t have a claim, and they know they don’t. And now they know that you know they don’t. They can’t say they do because that would be “Perjury”, and they wouldn’t dare say they do in court. So, since no one does, your business there is concluded and you want their “marching orders” or whatever.
When you have “accepted” their paperwork and returned it to them (the corporation) they now are holding an “unregistered security” and they are responsible for the tax liability. They would be making a “private claim” and then would be subject to all of the charges themselves. They would have to “account” for the funds to the IRS because that is where you’re acceptance has to go: through them to the IRS. If they don’t turn it in and write your account off their books, it is them who are going to be responsible to the Treasury department. Now you are probably wondering to yourself, “well what if they don’t know this?” The answer is that ALL of the Judges and ALL of the D.A.s and most if not all attorneys know this. It is covered in the Bar Association Study manual, and they are being trained right now on how to bluff us as well as possible so it doesn’t seem like what we are doing is working. But the problem for them is that they also become subject to “involuntary bankruptcy” and liquidation of their assets for settlement of your claim. (Which means you can sell off their home or car or whatever you want to provide your remedy)
At the beginning of the above article the author said that one has to, “…adjust your thinking 180 degrees from what you have been taught. You have to put aside all preconceived notions about money, economics, banking law and government. You must do this before you try to understand this information.”
I think we need to do more than this. It will never be enough to simply learn how to win while playing against the government and the banks. That would be like learning to play a game of baseball on a hockey rink. There would still be the danger of slipping, sliding and falling. And a hockey arena is too confining to play a good game of baseball.
What we need to do is tear down the hockey arena and build a baseball park. A large baseball park, one large enough so that everyone could play whenever they wanted, and at any position they wanted.
When we first try to do this we will find that our ultimate addiction is twofold: first, our thought system that we wear like an old comfortable housecoat and that will hound us like an old dog after a bone when we try to take it off. And second our fear that will stick to us like maple syrup. I can attest to both of these. I can also attest to the fact that if you attempt to tear down this hockey arena you will never be there alone. I will be there.
But, and this is a very big but, in the words of a good teacher of mine, (who’s bottle name around Main and Hastings in Vancouver was War Dance and who is now deceased) this must be done in a, “good, kind, soft, gentle way”.
I have learned from the above quote and other writings as well as from Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr., Jesus, Hafiz, Buddha and so many others, that one cannot win by defensive tactics. I have learned that the means must coincide with the ends. I have learned that to have peace one must give up the idea of conflict, entirely and for all time. I have learned that anger is merely an attempt to make someone else feel guilty. I have learned that next to love, defencelessness is the most potent weapon. In fact, I have learned that there is no difference between defencelessness and love. Wear one and you wear them both. Take one off and you wear neither.
Public Credit Money System
“Under The Private Debt Money System, there is a constant shortage of money which causes re-occurring inflation-depression cycles. The Public Credit Money System is designed so that this shortage of money never occurs.
Under the PCMS, a publicly owned national treasury (Bank of Canada) under the direction and control of the Federal Parliament, would have the sovereign and exclusive authority over all money creation in Canada, not the private banks! This is absolutely crucial to putting the brakes on escalating public and private debt and putting wealth back in the hands of the real creators…. the people. …The Bank of Canada would create all the nation’s money for their legislatively approved expenditures, interest free. So, instead of paying for a project two or three times over (principal and interest under the present system), the taxpayers would only have to pay for it once.

As an example, a one hundred million-dollar expenditure for upgrading the national highway system would only cost one hundred million dollars, not two or three hundred million. The federal parliament would authorize the Bank of Canada to “create” one hundred million dollars and spend it into circulation in the economy for the highway improvements. Once the project is finished, the repayment of the “loan” would be accomplished through some form of taxation or user fee. Once the “loan” is paid off, the tax or fee is abolished, leaving the asset - the new road - free of any debt.
Of course, we still do need banks from which to operate from in carrying out our daily financial activities. This includes consumer loans to the general public and small and large business. Under the PCMS system, the private banks can borrow funds from the Bank of Canada at a set interest for the purpose of re-lending the money to individuals and businesses. The bank’s interest rate is then set above the BoC rate in order for the bank to make a profit.
For example, the BoC exercises its authority and creates let’s say, $1,000 and lends it to the banking system at a rate of 6%. The banks in turn use the money to make loans to businesses and individuals. The banks’ interest rate is set at, say, 10%. The BoC opens the faucet and $1,000 flows into the economy (sink). At the same time, the government is approving its annual budget for public expenditures and decides that it requires $200 for its duly authorized public projects. Exercising its authority, the BoC creates the $200 to pay for the approved expenses. The BoC’s other faucet opens and this $200 of debt-free money pours into the economy. After a year, the private sector’s $1,000 debt is due for repayment. The principal drain opens up as the people pay the banks and the banks repay the BoC. The money disappears – is extinguished – as soon as it reaches the treasury.
The interest drain opens. The banks pay their interest to the treasury. They borrowed the $1,000 from the BoC at 6% and loaned it at 10%. Therefore, the borrowers pay $100 of interest to the banks (10% of $1,000) and the banks pay the BoC $60 in interest (6% of $1,000). The $60 flows out of the interest drain and disappears – is extinguished.
Because $200 of debt-free money came into the economy, it was not necessary to borrow to pay the interest due on the $1,000. Both this principal ($1,000) and the money needed to pay the treasury interest on it ($60) flowed into the economy and then it flowed out again. There was an adequate supply of money in the system to pay the interest. The third drain in the system is there in case government expenditures are greater than the amount of money that is extinguished through the interest drain within a given time. In this example, the BoC extinguished $60 of debt-free money when it received its interest payments from the banks. The banks retain $40 as profit and to cover their overhead. This totals $100.
The government created and spent $200 into circulation, so, subtracting the interest the banks owe the BoC ($60) and the profit retained by the banks ($40), from the $200 of debt-free money issued, there is an excess of $100 in purchasing power in the economy.
In order to keep the system in balance, this $100 will have to be removed from the money supply. The simplest way to do this is to tax it out. (i.e. a gas tax). The $100 is gradually collected by the treasury (BoC) and when it is all collected, the tax is abolished. Thus, permanent taxes may not be necessary.
Using this system, every family can afford to own a home and pay it off in a much shorter time than under the private debt money system. They would also have much more disposable income to meet and satisfy other needs.
There are many benefits under this Public Credit Money System:
1. Money becomes permanently available at reasonable rates.
2. Business activity and employment surge forward.
3. Inflation is halted, protecting wages, savings, and those on fixed incomes.
4. Bankruptcies are no longer necessary to balance successes.
5. Private debt is made payable at all times.
6. Prices fall along with debt and stabilize when debt becomes payable.
7. Cycles of boom and bust are eliminated.
8. All existing primary debt, both public and private, diminish and ultimately reach a level below that of the money supply.
9. Federal government borrowing ceases entirely.
10. Federal taxation is drastically reduced immediately.
11. Provincial and local taxes are gradually reduced to much lower
12. The national debt is reduced and eliminated, never to grow again.
13. Working people at all levels can afford to buy homes and enjoy comfortable and prosperous lives.
14. Constitutional government rises superior to and replaces private monetary authority, power and influence.
15. The present practice of usury by the private banks is eliminated.
16. No more scrambling for reserve funds by the private banks.
As Canadians, each of us is responsible for learning the truth about why we are buried under this mountain of public and private debt. A debt which we will leave to our children to suffer with. A debt that will drive us to a total economic collapse unless we make the necessary changes NOW! Here is a short list of a few of the basic and necessary changes that need to happen.
1. A Canadian Treasury (a publicly owned and controlled Bank of Canada) shall be the sole and exclusive source of all original monetary issue.
2. The Bank Act of 1913 and all of its amendments, codes and regulations are repealed. All assets of the private corporation, the Bank of Canada, shall be transferred to the Canadian Treasury, a publicly owned Bank of Canada.
3. Private banks and other financial institutions are prohibited from creating money or money credits in any form.
4. As designated under the BNA Act of 1867, the Federal parliament shall have exclusive authority over currency and coinage and the issue of paper money and credit. In addition, the Federal Parliament shall also have exclusive authority to provide and regulate money and money credits for all the requirements of Canada, both public and private.
5. Money and credit needed to pay obligations of the national government shall be spent into circulation debt-free.
6. The BoC shall service the financial needs of the private sector through loans to banks and other private entities.
7. The interest rate charged by the BoC on all loans to the private sector shall be regulated mathematically to withdraw money from circulation at a rate that will maintain a balance with public expenditures. Taxes will be levied only if and when authorize expenditures would call for a BoC interest rate greater than a reasonable statutory ceiling rate.
8. Provincial and municipal levels of government will qualify for interest-free loans direct from the BoC to finance their respective duly authorized and voter approved projects.
9. All legitimate financial obligations in effect hen the PCMS Bill becomes law shall remain in force until paid.
10. Federal government borrowing is prohibited in all its forms.
This is the stuff that makes my brain hurt. This may be a good time to remind ourselves of what the banks think of this financial policy.
“If that mischievous financial policy, which had its origin in the North American Republic, should become indurate down to a fixture, then that government will furnish its own money without cost. It will pay off debts and be without debt. It will have all the money necessary to carry on its commerce. It will become prosperous beyond precedent in the history of the civilized governments of the world. The brains and the wealth of all countries will go to North America. That government must be destroyed or it will destroy every monarchy on the globe.” The London Times
Perhaps it is time for monarchies to quietly slip away and be no more. A banker once said, “Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes the laws…” It is time to say to The Private Debt Money System bankers, “enough, you have had your day.” Perhaps it is time for them to quietly slip away and be no more. It was bankrupt monarchies who gave The Private Debt Money System bankers, first their foothold, and second, their stranglehold on the economies of the world. Both no longer serve the people. Both need to step aside and let the people serve of themselves, by themselves and for themselves.
The following is a further option offered to the Provinces of Canada. The following was taken from the same web site as the above. It is written with British Columbia in mind but applies to all provinces.
Provincial Credit System
A second option available to the provinces, failing action by the Federal Government, is to set up its own mechanism to provide additional credit to British Columbians based upon the wealth of the province. The BNA Act of 1867, our Constitution, Section 92.3, the Province is allowed to “borrow on the sole credit of the Province”. That is to say, upon the real wealth of the Province. A few years ago, The World Bank published a report in which they estimated the worth of Canada’s natural resources at 2,500 trillion dollars! This figure did not include our water resources or the resources of the northern territories.
Based upon the size of British Columbia and its known resources, BC.’s wealth could be conservatively estimated at 150 to 200 trillion dollars. More than enough to make all British Columbians very wealthy. Under the BNA Act of 1867, the Provinces or more precisely, the people, hold exclusive authority over their natural resources. Presently, governments borrow from private banks and other sources because these lenders recognize this natural wealth and lend against it. Therefore, there is no doubt that there is actually a Provincial credit and the Province can certainly establish its own mechanism to use this credit directly, without mortgaging its wealth nor going into debt and paying unnecessary interest charges to individuals or corporations, like the private banks.
What is needed in BC? as well as other Provinces, because they face the same problem, is a Provincial Public Credit System. A mechanism whereby the Province can provide credit within the Province of BC. for its own legislatively approved expenditures, including health, education, highways, bridges, resource development and other concerns. This credit would be interest-free and repaid through taxes or user fees to keep the system in balance. The key here is “interest-free”. Interest charges amount to a growing, significant expenditure for government, business and individuals. These interest expenditures are absolutely unnecessary!
A prime example as to how this can be utilized, would be mortgages for provincial residences in BC. The Province, through a system of “public” banks or credit unions, can issue “credit” (loans) to British Columbians for the purchase of a principal residence within BC., interest free! The only necessary charge would be a nominal administration fee to monitor and process payments. (We don’t need to borrow from the private banks and pay them interest!!) This single action alone would allow every British Columbian to own their own home within a few short years. No more paying for a home 3, 4 or 5 times over because of burdensome interest charges levied by private banks. This single act alone would also free up hundred’s of millions of dollars for consumers to spend on other goods and services, creating thousands of new jobs and giving the economy an enormous boost.
Another example would be resource development. The Province, through a Provincial Credit System can advance credit to companies to develop our natural resources. For example, if we needed to increase our natural gas production, the Province can provide the credit needed for the private sector to construct the facility. By charging a nominal rate for the use of the Provincial Credit plus a royalty percentage based on production, the Province would earn revenues to repay the credit advance and support some of the other needs of the Province. In Alaska, the state collects royalties from the producers, who develop their natural resources, and then pass some of this revenue on to each and every citizen of the state in the form of a state dividend. There is no reason why this cannot be done here.
In 1939, the Provincial Government of Alberta under William Aberhart passed a law, which was to provide exactly this. The Alberta Credit House Act was passed with the intention of providing additional credit to Albertans. This is were the network of “Treasury Branches” originated. It was the intention of the Alberta Government to provide interest free credit to Albertans and get away from the debt money system operated by the private banks. Unfortunately, World War II brought about a suspension of this Provincial Credit System and in 1943, William Aberhart died in a car accident. The Act is still on the books but it has never been implemented.
This system would operate similar to the pictorial example of the Public Credit Money Sink. The only difference would be that the Province would create credit and issue it within the Province to meet our provincial needs and extinguish the advances (loans) as payments came in. The Provincial Credit Office would come back in the form of a regular payment schedule (in the case of credit advances to the private sector for development of provincial natural resources) or through taxes and fees for public services to keep the system in balance.
To summarize, governments at all levels, private industry and the public at large are all under financial pressure. We see, on a daily basis, government cutbacks, budget shortfalls, reduction in services, pressure to either raise taxes or find other means to raise revenue and an increasing public debt which cannot ever be paid back under the present debt money system. Business either moving out of province or going under, leaving thousands of our citizens unemployed, unions striking for higher wages and benefits, injured workers fighting for support payments which are harder to come by or are reduced. More and more, wives are forced to work to provide a second income in order for families to survive, husbands are taking on a second jobs, part time work or working overtime and weekends just to make ends meet. And on top of all this, personal debt has climbed to an all time high and shows no sign of stopping.
The problems are daunting but not impossible to overcome. But the promises and the remedies offered by past and present governments will not solve the problems. Provincially, we have the power to make the necessary changes. All that is required is the will to do what must be done. We need to establish our own mechanism for providing credit within the Province. A growing and expanding economy requires a growing and expanding supply of money to meet the needs of society. Under our present system, the banks supply the “money” to meet demand but extract more back in the form of principal and interest payments. This causes the constant shortfall of the money supply in the economy and results in problems such as those referred to above. Under a Provincial Credit System, the supply of “credit” will always be adequate enough to meet the needs of the people and provide for a prosperous future for all of us.
The above writing indicates just a few of the many advantages to The Public Credit Money System that pertain to Canada and its Provinces. There are many more. If Canada would implement a PCMS it would not just be Canadians who would benefit. Under our present system we are forced to say to other countries that need help, “We cannot afford to help you.” Or “We can only help you this much.” We sit silently and wring our hands at the news that 30,000+ children are starving to death daily in this world. I do not believe there is one Canadian who would refuse to help any starving child if they thought that there was a way to do that.
Let me be the first to tell you that there is a way. Canada could become a world leader in assisting others. We have the opportunity to demonstrate to the world that what we can do, they can do. The production of food would not be tied to a market with limited dollars. Supply would equal demand, for supply would depend on need not money.
Earlier, when I talked about changing our thought system, this is what I meant. We can eliminate thoughts such as, “We do not have enough money. Money does not grow on trees, you know. And who is going to pay for this. Etc. etc.” Almost every decision we make today is made based on the amount of money we have or do not have. That holds true on a personal level, business level and governmental level. Can you imagine a country where money is never the basis of any decision you make? Would you like to live in a country like that? Would you like to be a citizen of a country that leads the world in knowing that this is possible? If you do want these things, then join with me in instructing our government to take back control of our money from private banks. At the same time we would be taking back control of our country and our own destiny.
The only winning move is not to play,
If you’re losing the game, change the rules.
The phrase, “The only winning move is not to play” comes from a movie called War Games. The specific scene was one in which a large military computer has been asked to find the answer to a question like, “How can we win a nuclear war?” On the monitor of this computer the audience could watch on a map of the world a missile being launched from Russia and traveling toward North America. Then, a second missile would be launched from United States to intercept the first.
Eventually one missile would get through the defensive intercepting missiles and a nuclear bomb would explode over a city in one country. Soon many bombs were exploding over all areas of the map as the whole world was destroyed. Scenario after scenario was tried, all ending with the same result; the whole world destroyed. Eventually after trying what seemed like many thousand scenarios the monitor became blank. After a long silent pause the computer said, “The only winning move is not to play.”
The second line, “When you’re losing the game, change the rules.” Comes from a T-shirt my daughter wore when she was about two years old.
It seems that both of these lines are prevalent to this discussion. “If you’re losing the game, change the rules”, is excellent advice for us at this time. It points to the fact that we, (the citizens of the world) are losing this economic game, and we need to changes the rules that now benefit the banks. The first line from above gives us a hint as to how to accomplish this.
Another quote that is prevalent to this discussion comes from a very unlikely source. It comes from the Chinese general and philosopher Sun Tzu. In 500 BC Sun Tzu wrote a treatise called The Art of War. In it he said:
“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”
At the end of chapter two Mahatma Gandhi was cited as someone who may be an example to follow. By this I meant that he knew his enemy and if we are to learn from him we need to know ours as thoroughly as he knew his. Mahatma Gandhi knew the English had a conscience and that their conscience would not allow them to continually kill defenseless people. He knew the English better than they knew themselves.
This tactic of nonviolent resistance can only work, however, if your enemy has a conscience. You would not want to try it against someone like Sadam Hussein. He had no problem killing thousands, or maybe hundreds of thousands of defenseless people. This tactic would also not have worked against Hitler. It is a hard statement to prove, but it seems to me that the evidence available indicates that the corporate and banking interests also have no conscience.
This is not specific to all corporations. There are those with a social conscience but on a global scale many do not. These ones have no trouble putting people to work for long hours in sweat shops in poverty stricken countries, or employing other unscrupulous tactics citing the need for corporate survival and profits as justification for what they do. Even our current Prime Minister cited these reasons when asked why he did not register his ships in Canada. He wasn’t avoiding paying Canada its rightful taxes, he was merely doing what was necessary to survive and compete on a global level.
So, how does one deal with an enemy who is not confined to a specific geographical area; does not appear to have one leader; is not restricted to one government, one corporation or one bank; appears to have no separate parts but has thousands of pieces all over the world; cannot be pinned down to one place at one time and who seems to be everywhere and nowhere at the same time?
We need to ask what keeps this enemy alive and what supports its growth. The answer to both these questions is consumption. [Why do you think President Bush instructed American citizens after 9/11 to spend?] The present corporate and banking structures are maintained and nurtured by our consumption. Our consumption has had a negative effect on us. We have become fat, lazy but saddest of all, we have become blind. We don’t see how much we resemble the plantation slave owners of the southern states before the civil war. We fill our bellies with a big lunch, go out and sit on our shaded porch and contemplate the good life we have while the slaves labour in the cotton field under the hot sun. The difference is that the slaves are no longer in our back yard, they now live in “third world” countries. We also don’t see that we ourselves are slaves to a monetary master and like the slave owners of the past we do not want to give up our comfortable life by freeing our slaves.
The opposite of consumption is conservation. By working together and making a dedicated effort to conserve we can bring about the demise of The Private Debt Money System and bring to life The Public Credit Money System. But it will not be easy. It means that we buy only those things that are essential to living, and we buy them from local producers. It means that we inform our politicians that we will continue to live this way until they reclaim our money from the private banks. It means that we become willing to live with less until all can have more. It means that we become willing to do this even if we are the only ones doing it. It means that we become willing to teach by example more than by words. It means not judging those who choose not to follow our example. This will not be easy because when we attempt to do any of these minor things, never mind the major things, we will see how addicted we are to the patterns we have set up in our life. Our ultimate addiction will rear its ugly head.
Question: [For all Politicians in Canada.] Are you prepared to lead Canada into a future of prosperity instead of one of increasing debt?
In reality, politicians have become little more than talking heads. In opposition they criticize, often with much justice, the financial policies of the government. Then the sides change and the roles reverse. It is a phenomenon I understand only too well from personal experience. The so-called “expert” advisers get politicians in closed rooms and brief them fervently. They call the meetings “information briefings” but often the real object of the exercise is intimidation. Their real purpose is to persuade the politicians that their natural instincts are wrong and that the experts are right and that non-compliance could lead to some financial disaster for which “You, Mr. Secretary” or “You, Minister” would be held responsible. It is difficult, bordering on impossible, to stand up to that kind of pressure. Instead, most politicians get stuck with accepting the consequences of taking advice from experts who, all too often, are the kind of experts who have all the answers without necessarily being familiar with the problem.
The Honourable Paul Hellyer, former Member of Parliament
From his book, Funny Money
This chapter contains an opened letter to all politicians in Canada. This letter is addressed to Steven Harper, Prime Minister of Canada. It will be copied to all federal politicians and can be taken by all as meant for them as well.
Like all open letters, this one too is not meant solely or even primarily for the addressee. It is attached as a chapter of this book so that all Canadians will know that all their elected officials are aware of the issues raised within it.
In 2005 this letter was sent to Paul Martin. We are still waiting for his response.
October 14, 2008
To: Steven Harper
Prime Minister of Canada
Dear Steven,
It is my hope that you have read the contents of this book and understand my concern. I have spent much time studying both sides of this issue, and you will note by the contents of this book what I have concluded.
I am open to being proven wrong. In order for you to do that you will have to explain to me how The Private Debt Money System could possibly create a situation that would result in all countries having zero debt. I’m not asking you to prove that every country would do what is necessary to have zero debt, but only to prove that it is possible. It is my belief that with your knowledge of economics that if what I ask is possible, you can show me how.
If The Private Debt Money System will not eventually bring all countries to their knees, [as is now happening] why did Mayer Amschel Rothschild once say, “Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes the laws…”?
If The Public Credit Money System is not the best system for any country to employ, why are the worlds banking interests so threatened by it? Why would they say the following?
“If that mischievous financial policy, which had its origin in the North American Republic, should become indurate down to a fixture, then that Government will furnish its own money without cost. It will pay off debts and be without debt. It will have all the money necessary to carry on its commerce. It will become prosperous beyond precedent in the history of the civilized governments of the world. The brains and wealth of all countries will go to North America.”
Printed in The London Times
If The Public Credit Money System would accomplish the things stated in the above quote, why would it not be in Canada’s best interest to adopt it?
If The Private Debt Money System does not continually increase debt, then why has debt continually increased since its inception?
Mr. Prime Minister, I believe that Canada, with its $2,500 trillion plus worth of resource with a population of just 33,000,000+ is the richest country in the world. If with that wealth, that population and intelligent knowledgeable leaders Canada cannot get out of debt using The Private Debt Money System, how can any other country be expected to?
Why does Canada not use its vast resources in conjunction with The Public Credit Money System and just pay off its debt? You must know that it is possible, don’t you? Why then, don’t we do it?
Steven, are you aware of the deceptive tactics that are hidden in every brochure that tells parents that they “must” register the name of their child? Are you aware that this is done solely to tie that newborn child to Canada’s ever-increasing debt? I ask that the deceit be removed from all of these documents, and that they only serve as a true record of the birth of a unique human being.
Steven, are you aware of the deceptive tactics employed, (I believe unwittingly) by Canada’s law enforcement officers every time they issue a ticket to any motorist in Canada? I ask that this practice be immediately stopped. I ask that a system be developed that ensures that whenever any peace officer or law enforcement officer approaches another human being, a situation develops that ensures that the officer(s) can be and are completely honest, and that the other human being becomes totally aware of their rightful options.
It is also my request that you, as Prime Minister, take this opportunity to lift Canada out of bankruptcy. We should have never been there in the first place.
Steven, you have an opportunity before you that no one else has taken. You can be the leader that makes Canada a lighthouse throughout the world. I am aware of the great pressure that will be applied to you not to do what I am asking you to do. Of myself I have no pressure to offset that pressure. But I have released this book in a way that will allow it to fly on its own not just across Canada, but throughout the world. It is my hope that this small book can arouse a sleeping giant. That giant is the human populace of this great country. This is something that could happen easily and quickly if all politicians stood united on this issue.
Steven, I ask you to take the necessary action to set my daughter, my grandchildren and every other Canadian, including myself, free of debt. That action will be the implementing of a form of The Public Credit Money System. I plead for all of us, for only the free can truly offer real freedom to others. And as you know, we have over thirty thousand (30,000+) reasons a day to make haste with this issue.
We, the human populace of Canada are becoming aware of all the cotton amongst the wool that has been pulled over our eyes for so long. One day that veil will no longer blind the people and we will know the truth. And when that day arrives we will want to know why you did not act sooner.
My plea to you is that you immediately work to rescind the Bank Act and that you immediately begin implementing some form of The Public Credit Money System.
The children and I await your answer.
David: Ealing
Here is a story.
A long, long, long time ago, back even before there were automobiles, people used to travel from village to village or city to city by horse drawn carriages. This was also so long ago that banks were still not invented. (This is not a story about banks.) This meant that all the people had to carry all their money and treasure with them as they traveled.
There was a thief who would wait near the inn at which passengers would leave the carriage for lunch. This thief was especially adept at spotting a particularly wealthy individual who traveled alone. This thief was also very charismatic and once having seen his potential prey he would start an innocent conversation with this individual. He would then join this wealthy man for lunch and during the conversation would determine whether he was going to reach his destination that evening or would be lodging at some inn over night.
On this particular occasion the wealthy man had another three days travel before he reached his destination. For the thief, this was perfect. His next move was to purchase a ticket and travel along. During the afternoon leg of their journey the wealthy man would become quite enthralled with the thief and by the time the carriage reached its final stop of the day the thief had no trouble getting the wealthy man to agree to share a room at the inn.
Two things would now happen. First, the thief knew that almost all wealthy people hid their treasure somewhere in the room before they would go down for supper. So the thief would busy himself putting his belongings away and laying out a fresh change of clothes for the morrow. By doing this he gave his new “friend” time to stow his treasure. Now, the second thing happened. Just before the two were about to go down for supper, the thief would claim that a sudden feeling of sickness had just come over him. He would then beg the wealthy man to please excuse him from supper that night as he felt that it would be best if he just lay down and rested. As soon as the wealthy man left the room and went down for supper the thief, instead of resting, searched the room for the treasure.
But this time things did not work out as planned. No matter how hard he tried, he could not find the treasure. Eventually he knew his new traveling companion would be returning to the room so he had to give up the search and alter his plan. He resolved to carry on with this wealthy individual the next day and to pay more attention to where the treasure was hidden.
The second day past in much the same way as the first afternoon: with much great conversation. Again that evening they agreed to share a room and again the thief feigned sickness. Even though the thief had tried to see where the wealthy man hid his treasure he had not but felt sure he could find it with thorough searching. But alas, for the second evening in a row all his searching proved fruitless.
Finally, at the end of the third day, after the thief found no opportunity to relieve this particular wealthy man of his purse, and in complete exasperation he said, “Sir. I have to admit to you that I am a thief and for the last two evening I have attempted to lighten your load by removing your purse from your possession. Both evenings, no matter how I searched I could not find your treasure. Please, before you leave, tell me where you hid your treasure.”
The wealthy man nodded, then smiled. “I felt from the beginning that you might be a thief. So I hid my treasure in the one place I was sure you would not look. I hid it under your pillow!”
The greatest treasure any human being can possibly possess is freedom. In the above story one person has a treasure while another wants it. This story differs from our own condition only in that in the story the wealthy man may have come by his treasure honestly. Through our own apathy we have given our treasure away and then we spend the rest of our life looking for it where it cannot be found. But, our treasure only appears to be lost. It is, like the story says, hidden under our own pillow.
In my letter to Steven Harper was this question, “Mr. Prime Minister, are you aware of the deceptive tactics employed by Canada’s law enforcement officers every time they issue a ticket to a motorist?” I said that this was probably done unwittingly. If you are a police officer you will be surprised to know that each time you asked a motorist to sign the ticket you are deceiving them. The following, burst bubble number 24, is from Robert Arthur Menard’s book, Bursting Bubbles of Government Deception. It is quoted here to ensure that all of us, along with the Prime Minister, know of this deceptive practice. Robert buts it like this:
Bubble 24: Violation Tickets and the Bills of Exchange Act
TICK, contracts. Credit; as, if a servant usually buys for the master upon tick, and the servant buys something without the master’s order, yet, if the master were trusted, he is liable. 1 Show. 95;3 Keb. 625; 10 Mod. 111; 3 Esp. R. 214; 4 Esp. R. 174.
Have you ever wondered why that when you get a tick-et, they give you a copy and not the original? Have you ever wondered why that if you pay the fine or ticket, there is still a conviction registered against your name? Ever felt them tickets were something stinky and sneaky? Tickets are actually Bills of Exchange and the entire ticketing process is the Notarial protest in a nutshell!
You are about to learn something exciting; when a tick-et is presented, you have the right and even the duty to take the original ticket and negotiate a payment within three days. If you do this, the Officer cannot give you the defendant’s copy and there will likely not be a conviction registered against your name. If they try to stop you from taking the original, they are agreeing to pay it for you!
Let’s look at what is happening now. An Officer will pull you over and will issue a tick-et. You sign it, (often with his thumb still on the ticket) give it back to him, he gives you a copy. That’s the process. What would happen if you tried to take the original? Would he let you? This is what Freddie Freepickle thinks; you have a right to take the original ticket and if he stops you, the ticket is dead, or discharged for he is not duly presenting it. Not only do you have a right to take the original ticket, you have a duty and the second copy is really evidence that you failed to accept the first! Ask yourself, and him, what right does he have to deny you the original yet impose a copy? Hmm? A copy can only be imposed once the original has APPARENTLY been dishonored
Let’s use the Bills of Exchange Act to examine what is really happening. The first question we must ask is: Is a Violation Ticket a Bill of Exchange? The definition of bill of exchange, from the BOEA is as follows:
16. (1) A bill of exchange is an unconditional order in writing, addressed by one person to another, signed by the person giving it, requiring the person to whom it is addressed to pay, on demand or at a fixed or determinable future time, a sum certain in money or to the order of a specified person or to bearer.
Certainly would appear that a Violation Ticket matches that definition. If it is a bill, then when they are giving it to you, they are presenting it. They can prove they presented it too; after all, you have signed it, it must have been in your possession for some period of time, right?
Look at this section:
34. (1) The acceptance of a bill is the signification by the drawee of his assent to the order of the drawer.
35. (1) An acceptance is invalid unless it complies with the following conditions:
(a) it must be written on the bill and be signed by the drawee; and
(2) The mere signature of the drawee written on the bill without additional words is a sufficient acceptance.
In the Act the drawer is the one who creates the bill; the drawee is the one the bill is presented to. Imagine a waitress and a customer. The waitress is the drawer and the customer is the drawee. So they get you to sign it and thus accept it, but then they get it back from you immediately without you getting a receipt.
They are the drawer of the bill, they have proof you accepted the bill, then failed to pay for it and returned the unpaid bill to them. Obviously you have dishonoured their bill!
The following are key sections of the Bills of Exchange Act.
10. A protest of any bill or note within Canada, and any copy thereof as copied by the notary or justice of the peace, is, in any action, evidence of presentation and dishonour, and also of service of notice of the presentation and dishonour as stated in the protest.
11. Where a bill or note, presented for acceptance, or payable outside Canada, is protested for non-acceptance or non-payment, a notarial copy of the protest and of the notice of dishonour, and a notarial certificate of the service of the notice, shall be received in all courts as evidence of the protest, notice and service or copy.
35. (1) An acceptance is invalid unless it complies with the following conditions:
(a) it must be written on the bill and be signed by the drawee; and
(b) it must not express that the drawee will perform his promise by any other means than payment of money.
(2) The mere signature of the drawee written on the bill without words is a sufficient acceptance.
(39). (1) as between immediate parties and as regards a remote party, other than a holder in due course, the delivery of a bill
(a) in order to be effectual must be made either by or under the authority of the party drawing, accepting or endorsing, as the case may be; or
(b) may be shown to have been conditional or for a special purpose only, and not for the purpose of transferring the property in the bill.
2) Where the bill is in the hands of a holder in due course, a valid delivery of the bill by all parties prior to him, so as to make them liable to him, is conclusively presumed.
40. Where the bill is no longer in the possession of a party who has signed it as drawer, acceptor or endorser, a valid and unconditional delivery by him is presumed until the contrary is proven.
97. (1) Notice of dishonour may be given
(a) as soon as the bill is dishonoured;
(b) to the party to whom notice is required to be given or to his agent in that behalf;
(c) by an agent either in his own name or in the name of any party entitled to give notice, whether that party is his principal or not; or
(d) in writing or by personal communication and in any terms that identify the bill and intimate that the bill has been dishonoured by non-acceptance or non-payment.
98. (1) In point of form, the return of a dishonoured bill to the drawer or endorser is a sufficient notice of dishonour, and a written notice need not be signed.
130. No person is liable as drawer, endorser or acceptor of a bill who has not signed it as such, but when a person signs a bill otherwise than as a drawer or acceptor, he thereby incurs the liabilities of an endorser to a holder in due course and is subject to all the provisions of this Act respecting endorsers.
So with this knowledge, what good can we do with it? How do we use this knowledge to stop going into dishonour with the bills when they are purportedly presented?
First, when dealing with the Issuer, ask them these questions:
1. Is that a Bill under the Bills of Exchange Act? (In order for a bill to have validity, the drawer has to have the authority and knowledge to create it. If they don’t know, they are admitting to lack of knowledge.)
2. Are you giving me a ticket? (When he says yes, you have the right to take the ticket, not a copy of a ticket. If he gets mad when you take the original, just tell him “You told me you were giving me a ticket, not a copy of a ticket.”)
3) Am I dishonouring your presentment if I sign this and return the original?
4) Are you DEMANDING I return the original bill prior to being able to honour it?
5) Will you give me a receipt for the original before I return it to you? (a receipt is not a copy of it)
Try to do the following actions:
1. Make him properly present the bill. That means in your control and possession. If he has not let go of the ticket, he has not properly presented or served it. Do not try to remove or grab; lay your hands out flat and make him deposit his book or the ticket in your hands.
2. Remove the original before he can stop you. At the very least rip the ticket at the top so you can point to that rip in court as evidence of you trying to accept it.
3. The goal is for him to demand you return the ticket. The moment he does, he has rescinded the presentation and the bill is dead or discharged. If someone does want to collect for it, it will have to come out of his pocket! (You are demanding I return this to you without first paying for it? You have a gun and would threaten to harm or arrest me for accepting this bill? Ok…. But now you can’t lawfully give me a blue copy, because that copy evidences I was not willing to accept the original.)
4. Educate the Officer. The basic premise, that a copy cannot be imposed unless an original was offered and rejected is a hard one to dispute; it is fundamental in law and goes to the best evidence rule.
Now lets look on the back of the ticket.
Back of the Ticket:
On the back of the tickets they tell you that you have three choices; ignore, pay or dispute. If you choose to pay, you are agreeing with them that you are guilty and a conviction is entered against your name. If you ignore, it’s the same thing, you are deemed to have accepted the bill and you have to pay. The third option is to choose to dispute and this is where they really trick you. If you accept this option, you are wilfully stepping into dishonour. You have not exercised your right to discuss or negotiate and are jumping right into dispute. You have lost honour merely by wishing for dispute. You have abandoned the Rule of Law and there really is no sense going to court, for you have essentially already lost.
What you want to do is extend an offer to discuss and have them reject that offer. They are then the ones ‘wishing for dispute’ and thus are in dishonour. Realize that they are trying to create an adversarial relationship. They are your foe and antagonist. Let’s say someone tried to get you to consent to fight and then said, “You have to fight me and the first thing you have to do is bang your head against the wall or kick the curb.” Why let your adversary dictate the way you will fight them? Clearly they will try to get you to do something that is in their interest and not yours.
Wishing dispute is one of the stupidest things anyone can do. Make them state that they wish dispute or force them to discuss it with you. The Officer who issued the ticket will not like that. Defending in court he or she will get paid overtime; dealing with a Conditional Acceptance they will not. Plus, if they do not deal with it, they end up DISHONOURING THEIR OWN BILL and thus end up having to pay it themselves.
What Now
What do we do now? I have always been able to envision possibilities, but have not always been able to map the road to their fulfillment. I can envision all people free. Yet, I cannot fully see how we get there. That road has not yet been mapped out completely. That mapping will require the input from many others who have the ability, the skills and the desire to be free.
Let me first outline our slavery so that we at least know our starting point. There is a major difference between the slaves on a southern plantation before the American Civil War and the human population of Canada today. That difference is that they knew that they were slaves. One of the insidious aspects of our slavery is that we believe that we are free. We could put up a strong argument to prove this “fact”. As stated above, our slavery was initiated at our birth when our parents were duped into believing that they were obliged to register our name.
Remember “Your birth certificate is one of the kinds of security instruments used by the government to obtain loans from its creditor, under which it is bankrupt.” (Bubble 2: Child Registration) When our parents registered our name a bond was generated in that CAPITAL LETTER NAME. The bond tracking number for that particular bond is recorded on the back of our Birth Certificate. Then, we were duped into supporting this bond, and confirming our acceptance of our position as slave to it, by applying for our SIN (slave identification number).
The fact that we have a SIN is proof of our pledge, promise, oath and obligation to support this bond. The government has received a loan backed by our labor for life. Our slavery is not to a human master, but to a monetary debt created and enforced by human bankers who used and continue to use deception to accomplish their goal. The need for our enslavement resulted from The Private Debt Money System. The very simple fact is that your freedom can only be assured by eliminating this monetary system and the debt it fosters. Instituting a form of The Public Credit Money System can do this.
It is time for kings, queens, emperors, bankers and all other self appointed rulers to resign and retire from their high standing and become productive members of this human family of ours. Figureheads need no longer apply. It is time for the corporations to become organizations that serve the people first rather than their shareholders. For the ones who think that this is impossible, step aside and watch those who know it’s possible show you how. It just takes the changing of one thought. It is time for corporations to lose their identity as “individuals” and assume their rightful identity as things that serve human beings.
It is time for the local humans of a community to determine what happens in their community. It is time to end the ability of large distant corporations to execute their will over the local populace. It is time for farmers to determine what is to be grown on their land, how much is grown and how it is grown. It is time for the individual human being to take president over things, especially money. It is time for governments to govern the will of the human populace rather than the will of corporations and banks. It is time for leaders to be followers of the direction of the people. It is time to work to ensure that all experience the great abundance of this world. It is time for all to eat well. It is time to end poverty.
It is not my intention to offend any with the following statement. It came to mind as I was writing the above paragraph. So I will state it with an explanation after. The thought came to mind that we should work to prove Jesus wrong in one thing the bible reports that he said. He said that the poor would always be with us. But as I see it, the poor can only be with us if we fail to live as he taught. He taught that we should house the homeless, clothe the naked and feed the hungry. If he thought that these people would always be with us he must have known we would not live as he taught. He was not the only one to teach that we should do unto others, as we would want them to do unto us. Six hundred years before Jesus lived, Buddha said the same thing, only a little different. He said that we should not do to others the things we would not want others to do to us. Whether it is said in the negative or the positive, it means the same. The point is if we followed these teachings, there would be no homeless, no naked and no hungry. So, it is time to prove Jesus wrong. He would be the first to say “Amen” if that was done. If you were starving and about to die, what would you want others to do for you? All this and more we can do.
For the Children
Only a few years ago, (1997 or so) I knew nothing of banking, paid little attention to governments, turned an apathetic ear to the plight of those in poverty around the world, (and to be completely honest, to those near me as well) and I had never even heard the name, Rothschild.
It was then, that I first heard that twelve thousand (12,000) children were starving to death every day, over four million children every year. Now, March 2005, over eighteen thousand (18,000) children starve to death every day; over six million children a year. Over the last ten years over 50 million children have starved to death! The holocaust took six million human lives and we still grieve that number every year. But that same number of children will die this year and we don’t grieve as much for them.
If a plane carrying 250 people crashed near were we live, killing all aboard, we would feel great sorrow, not only for the lose of 250 human lives, but also for the effect that would have on their families and friends. Eighteen thousand children a day equals one plane loaded with 250 children crashing every twenty minutes; three an hour; seventy-two planes a day, each carrying 250 children, crashing and leaving no survivors. Why do we not grieve as much for the seventy-two as we would for the one?
[Today, October 2008, the number of children starving to death each day has risen to over thirty thousand. That’s over ten million a year. And that’s five more planes carrying 250 children each day.]
I understand apathy only too well. It has been a companion of mine most of my life. Apathy may be understandable when nothing we do can correct a problem. But we now know there is a solution; one that may require some effort and sacrifice, but with such great rewards that it would be a shame not to act.
If we continue to use a private bank’s debt notes solely for our own benefit, knowing the terrible destruction they cause, we become responsible for the suffering and death of these innocent ones. The banks cannot do it on their own. They need willing participants. Will you extract yourself from your part in this crime, or will you, like President Bush, continue to blindly (or knowingly) encourage the participation of others?
Recently, at a Chamber of Commerce meeting, President Bush insisted that, “democratic capitalism [read Private Debt Money System] remains the greatest system ever devised.” Please don’t believe him. This is true only if you are a banker and have little or no concern for the plight others.
Comments to the author are welcomed.
Recently, at a Chamber of Commerce meeting, President Bush insisted that, “democratic capitalism [read Private Debt Money System] remains the greatest system ever devised.” Please don’t believe him. This is true only if you are a banker and have little or no concern for the plight others.
Comments to the author are welcomed.