Sunday, November 7, 2010

A Simple Challenge

Our government will never, of its own accord, rescind the Bank Act. As citizens we must come to understand the great pressure our parliamentarians are under to maintain the status quo as they continue working for the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. If this change is to take place it must be the people who come together with one voice and demand the change. For the people to do that they must take the time necessary to learn the truth of their situation today.

Your simple challenge, should you choose to accept it, will be to show how the private debt money system can give abundance to all people in all countries at the same time. It is called a simple challenge but know before you start that I say it is impossible to disprove my contentions.   Know also that I would be thrilled if you did successfully disprove them but, like I say, you can’t. It’s on the same level as proving gravity does not make things fall toward the earth.

Remember, you simple have to show that the private debt money system does not create debt; that this debt does not cause poverty; that the poverty caused by this debt does not get severe enough to cause starvation and that the wealthy do not contribute to all this. In other words, you must simply show how the private debt money system can (not will but can) create the opposite: -- abundance for all.

Your failure to accomplish this should encourage you to join with other in insisting that our government rescind the Bank Act and adopt some form of the public credit money system.
Some have tried to show that the production and marketing of goods will create the necessary money that will not only pay the interest but will also create profits. Before you go to far down that road let me say that this process actually increases the debt.

To understand how the production of goods increases the debt we need only look at the following simple example. The production of a product has a cost. Let’s say this cost is $10.00. And let’s say the product is sold for $20.00 producing a profit of $10.00. If the original $10.00 that funded the production of this product was borrowed at an interest rate of 10%, then when the loan ($10.00) plus interest ($1.00) is repaid a net profit of $9.00 is realized.

It is important to keep in mind that every dollar in circulation has been borrowed and represents a debt to a bank. So in order for someone to purchase this product for $20.00 someone somewhere had to borrow that $20.00.   With this in mind we see that what is a $9.00 profit for the producer becomes a $20.00 debt for someone else. Add interest and it becomes a $22.00 debt. Each time this product changes hands the total amount of debt increase. The products of a profitable company create two things, the first a profit, the second a debt. But always, always, the debt is greater than the profit. Simple math says that if a positive is added to a negative where the negative is greater, the result is always a negative. Whether we look at this simple example or the most complicated one, the result is the same. Always the debt will be greater than the profit!

Whether the product is a physical product like a lamp or an intangible like copyright licensing, or a donation to feed the poor, if money changed hands, a debt was created or maintained.
That is how I know that you are a contributor to the global debt. And that is how I know that you are a contributor to the starvation death of over 20,000 children a day. Once we truly know this as a fact, the only question that arises is, “Are we going to do anything about it?” And if we decide that something needs to be done, “What will that be?”

The answer for me to the first question is an strong, “Yes.” To the second question there is but one sane answer, “Take back control of our money!” Money must enter circulation interest and debt free. Don’t let anyone tell you that this is impossible. Both Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy did it. If they were not killed and their policies were allowed to continue, the United States would be debt free today. They would have demonstrated to the world how to create abundance by using a form of the public credit money system. And the world would have followed.

The bankers, talking about the policy implemented by Abraham Lincoln said the following:

“If that mischievous financial policy, which had its origin in the North American Republic, should become indurate down to a fixture, then that Government will furnish its own money without cost. It will pay off debts and be without debt. It will have all the money necessary to carry on its commerce. It will become prosperous beyond precedent in the history of the civilized governments of the world. The brains and wealth of all countries will go to North America….”

Let’s dedicate ourselves to making the dreams of Abraham, John and Bobby a reality. Until we do that their deaths are in vain.

Please send this simple challenge to all of the following that you know:

All economists
All financial advisors
All finance ministers of all Governments
All Municipal, Provincial, State and Federal elected Officials
All wealthy individuals
All bank officials
All bank employees
All stars of entertainment and sports
All others you believe may be able to successfully disprove my contentions.

Thank you.


Comments to the author are welcomed.